

..." But this pleasant conversation was interrupted by a message, saying that, as the Boer laagers were as intact as yesterday, the artillery were going to bombard them at once...    But this pleasant conversation was  interrupted by a message, saying that, as the Boer laagers were  as intact as yesterday, the artillery were going to bombard them  at onceの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...The Yankees had taken Nashville, and had begun to bombard Fort Pillow...   The Yankees had taken Nashville, and had begun to bombard Fort      Pillowの読み方
Louis Hughes 「Thirty Years a Slave」

...He mounteda powerful electromagnet just below the meteorite, and set up an X-raytube to bombard it with rays...   He mounteda powerful electromagnet just below the meteorite, and set up an X-raytube to bombard it with raysの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, March, 1931」

...“Which can still bombard this city,” observed Denham...   “Which can still bombard this	city,” observed Denhamの読み方
William Fitzgerald Jenkins 「The Fifth-Dimension Tube」

...They've come back to bombard her...   Theyve come back to bombard herの読み方
Raymond King Cummings 「Wandl the Invader」

...The cause of this seizure was,says one unauthenticated account, because Bass requested permission totrade, was refused, and then threatened to bombard the town...   The cause of this seizure was,says one unauthenticated account, because Bass requested permission totrade, was refused, and then threatened to bombard the townの読み方
Louis Becke 「The Naval Pioneers of Australia and Walter Jeffery」



Munising   calling   Clermont  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
準惑星   安全神話   財政支援  

