

...one old oar and four paddles, and with thisassistance we solemnly trudged away from danger at a pace that nothingslower than a Thames dumb barge, going against stream, could possiblyoverhaul...   one old oar and four paddles, and with thisassistance we solemnly trudged away from danger at a pace that nothingslower than a Thames dumb barge, going against stream, could possiblyoverhaulの読み方
Mary H. Kingsley 「Travels in West Africa」

..."Life in a barge is very exciting...   Life in a barge is very excitingの読み方
Edith Nesbit 「Pussy and Doggy Tales」

...Then murmur’d Arthur, “Place me in the barge,”And to the barge they came...   Then murmur’d Arthur, “Place me in the barge,”And to the barge they cameの読み方
Alfred, Lord Tennyson 「The Early Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson」

...”So said he, and the barge with oar and sailMoved from the brink, like some full-breasted swanThat, fluting a wild carol ere her death,Ruffles her pure cold plume, and takes the floodWith swarthy webs...   ”So said he, and the barge with oar and sailMoved from the brink, like some full-breasted swanThat, fluting a wild carol ere her death,Ruffles her pure cold plume, and takes the floodWith swarthy websの読み方
Alfred, Lord Tennyson 「The Early Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson」

...Then the three queens kneeled down around the king and sorely wept andwailed, and the barge went forth to sea, and departed slowly out of SirBedivere's sight...   Then the three queens kneeled down around the king and sorely wept andwailed, and the barge went forth to sea, and departed slowly out of SirBediveres sightの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

...And when they saw the king's barge coming, they began to shout, and made such a cry, as though all the devils of hell had been among them...   And when they saw the kings barge coming, they began to shout, and made such a cry, as though all the devils of hell had been among themの読み方
Jean Froissart, Thomas Malory, Raphael Holinshed 「Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)」

...And they clothed her in her fairestdress, and carried her down to the river,and laid her in the barge, alone with theold dumb servant...   And they clothed her in her fairestdress, and carried her down to the river,and laid her in the barge, alone with theold dumb servantの読み方
Mary MacGregor 「Stories of King Arthur's Knights」

...‘Lay me in the barge,’ said the King...   ‘Lay me in the barge,’ said the Kingの読み方
Mary MacGregor 「Stories of King Arthur's Knights」

...And the barge was rowed to a vale wherethe King was healed of his wound...   And the barge was rowed to a vale wherethe King was healed of his woundの読み方
Mary MacGregor 「Stories of King Arthur's Knights」

..." Then the barge began to move slowly from theland...    Then the barge began to move slowly from thelandの読み方
Beatrice Clay 「Stories from Le Morte D'Arthur and the Mabinogion」

...So the barge floated away out of sight, and Sir Bedivere stoodstraining his eyes after it till it had vanished utterly...   So the barge floated away out of sight, and Sir Bedivere stoodstraining his eyes after it till it had vanished utterlyの読み方
Beatrice Clay 「Stories from Le Morte D'Arthur and the Mabinogion」

...There laymy body in a barge, covered with black samite, andwith but one man to steer the barge down the riverto Camelot...   There laymy body in a barge, covered with black samite, andwith but one man to steer the barge down the riverto Camelotの読み方
Charles Morris 「Historic Tales, Vol 14 (of 15)」

...In the stern ofthe barge sat, with oar in hand, a poor man whoseemed dumb, for no word would he speak...   In the stern ofthe barge sat, with oar in hand, a poor man whoseemed dumb, for no word would he speakの読み方
Charles Morris 「Historic Tales, Vol 14 (of 15)」

..."On the fish buyer's barge, in the teletabloid machine, I sawthe forecast of her wedding to Scar Balta...   On the fish buyers barge, in the teletabloid machine, I sawthe forecast of her wedding to Scar Baltaの読み方
Roman Frederick Starzl 「The Martian Cabal」

...Slowly they neared the cliffs; as the first barge appeared to ground, aburst of fire broke out along the beach, alternately rifles and machineguns...   Slowly they neared the cliffs; as the first barge appeared to ground, aburst of fire broke out along the beach, alternately rifles and machinegunsの読み方
Joseph Lievesley Beeston 「Five Months at Anzac」

...7 naval gun, which, I understand, had served in the relief ofLadysmith, was swathed in bags and landed on a barge, which conveyed itto a position alongside the pier...   7 naval gun, which, I understand, had served in the relief ofLadysmith, was swathed in bags and landed on a barge, which conveyed itto a position alongside the pierの読み方
Joseph Lievesley Beeston 「Five Months at Anzac」



regenerating   authorship   dummies  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
一般人   言語道断   完全自動運転  

