...I will help you, Pan-at-lee, and we will gather armfuls ofthem, for I love to gather them as I love nothing else—they wereTa-den's favorite flowers...
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」
... Learning that there were, he made signs indicative of taking up armfuls and flinging them into the fire...
(AKA Ralph Iron) Olive Schreiner 「The Story of an African Farm」
...From the tepee it swung in acircle through a part of the forest where Nepeese had frequentlygathered armfuls of crimson fireflowers, and then to the chasm...
James Oliver Curwood 「Baree, Son of Kazan」
...Guarding against sudden starts,the Epeira casts her armfuls of bands on the front- and hind-parts,over the legs and over the wings, here, there and everywhere,extravagantly...
J. H. Fabre 「The Wonders of Instinct」
...He stood to listen for a minute or two, and then caught up one of the rough armfuls of wood laid ready for the purpose, threw it on the fire, and then hurried to the men’s waggon and roused the keeper...
George Manville Fenn 「Dead Man's Land」
...The cook used to pile armfuls of flax-sticks under the billies, and set light to them when the last man arrived in camp...
Henry Lawson 「Children of the Bush」