

...The Waziri, justly famed for their archery, found no cause to blush fortheir performance that day...   The Waziri, justly famed for their archery, found no cause to blush fortheir performance that dayの読み方
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar」

...I offered a half-rupee as a prize for an archery competition, for I was curious to get a view of their marksmanship...   I offered a half-rupee as a prize for an archery competition,  for I was curious to get a view of their marksmanshipの読み方
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」

...Hiscoat was light green, with archery buttons, made verywide at the hips, with which he sported a white waistcoat,bright yellow ochre leather trousers, pink silkstockings, and patent-leather pumps...   Hiscoat was light green, with archery buttons, made verywide at the hips, with which he sported a white waistcoat,bright yellow ochre leather trousers, pink silkstockings, and patent-leather pumpsの読み方
Robert Smith Surtees 「Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities」

...In baseball, it's the game, not the bases; in archery, it's thestraightest shooting, not the target...   In baseball, its the game, not the bases; in archery, its thestraightest shooting, not the targetの読み方
Charles Bradford 「The Determined Angler and the Brook Trout」

...) Apollo, the god of archery, etc...   )
Apollo, the god of archery, etcの読み方
Marcius Willson 「Mosaics of Grecian History」

...HEARKEN to me and ye shallhear how the good KingArthur and his knightswent forth to the woodfor archery, and how atvesper-tide they gat themhomeward right joyfully...   HEARKEN to me and ye shallhear how the good KingArthur and his knightswent forth to the woodfor archery, and how atvesper-tide they gat themhomeward right joyfullyの読み方
Anonymous Jessie L. Weston 「Sir Gawain and the Lady of Lys」



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