

...Marett in his handbook on Anthropology says, indiscussing the subject of race, "You will see it stated that the size ofthe brain cavity will serve to mark off one race from another...   Marett in his handbook on Anthropology says, indiscussing the subject of race, You will see it stated that the size ofthe brain cavity will serve to mark off one race from anotherの読み方
Peter Nielsen 「The Black Man's Place in South Africa」

...Modern anthropology has, by its astounding discoveries during thesecond half of the nineteenth century, compelled us to take acompletely monistic view of life...   Modern anthropology has, by its astounding discoveries during thesecond half of the nineteenth century, compelled us to take acompletely monistic view of lifeの読み方
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」

...Generally speaking, the natural history of the human sexual organs is one ofthose parts of anthropology that furnish the most convincing proofs of theanimal origin of the human race...   Generally speaking, the natural history of the human sexual organs is one ofthose parts of anthropology that furnish the most convincing proofs of theanimal origin of the human raceの読み方
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」

...Once people take up anthropology, they may be trusted not to drop itagain...   Once people take up anthropology, they may be trusted not to drop itagainの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...It remains to add that, hitherto, anthropology has devoted most of itsattention to the peoples of rude—that is to say, of simple—culture,who are vulgarly known to us as "savages...   It remains to add that, hitherto, anthropology has devoted most of itsattention to the peoples of rude—that is to say, of simple—culture,who are vulgarly known to us as savagesの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...Inasmuch as it takes over the evolutionaryprinciple from the science dealing with the larger group, namelybiology, anthropology may be regarded as a branch of biology...   Inasmuch as it takes over the evolutionaryprinciple from the science dealing with the larger group, namelybiology, anthropology may be regarded as a branch of biologyの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...But, you will perhaps object, anthropology was previously identifiedwith history, and now it is identified with science, namely, with abranch of biology? Is history science? The answer is, Yes...   But, you will perhaps object, anthropology was previously identifiedwith history, and now it is identified with science, namely, with abranch of biology? Is history science? The answer is, Yesの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...For that reason I am not going to describe biology asnatural history, or anthropology as the natural history of man...   For that reason I am not going to describe biology asnatural history, or anthropology as the natural history of manの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...The third and last part of this chapter will show how, under modernconditions of science and education, anthropology is to realize itsprogramme...   The third and last part of this chapter will show how, under modernconditions of science and education, anthropology is to realize itsprogrammeの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...In these days geography, in the form known as anthropo-geography, isputting forth claims to be the leading branch of anthropology...   In these days geography, in the form known as anthropo-geography, isputting forth claims to be the leading branch of anthropologyの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...Without constant help from thephilologist, anthropology is bound to languish...   Without constant help from thephilologist, anthropology is bound to languishの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...The philologist, then, if he is to help anthropology,must himself be an anthropologist, with a full appreciation of theimportance of the historical method...   The philologist, then, if he is to help anthropology,must himself be an anthropologist, with a full appreciation of theimportance of the historical methodの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...Folk-lore, however, tends to broaden out till it becomes almostindistinguishable from general anthropology...   Folk-lore, however, tends to broaden out till it becomes almostindistinguishable from general anthropologyの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...MARETT, Reader in Social Anthropology, Oxford...   MARETT, Reader in Social Anthropology, Oxfordの読み方
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」

...The physical anthropology ofthe Australian natives is at present a little-worked field, in which,singularly enough, the French have done more than the English, to ourshame be it said...   The physical anthropology ofthe Australian natives is at present a little-worked field, in which,singularly enough, the French have done more than the English, to ourshame be it saidの読み方
Northcote W. Thomas 「Kinship Organisations and Group Marriage in Australia」

... 4 () [ See "Divination," by Hazoral, Journal of Anthropology, Bombay, vol...         4 () [ See Divination, by      Hazoral, Journal of Anthropology, Bombay, volの読み方
Thomas Henry Huxley 「The Evolution of Theology: An Anthropological Study」

...In so doing, however, they show themselves abysmally ignorant of allthat anthropology and psychology have done to study religion andreligious man scientifically...   In so doing, however, they show themselves abysmally ignorant of allthat anthropology and psychology have done to study religion andreligious man scientificallyの読み方
Dr. D.M. Brooks 「The Necessity of Atheism」



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