...The turbulent and adventurous life of these new nations compelled him to most absurd expedients and varied occupations...
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」
...Montalais was a girl full of expedients, and so she very soon arranged her plan...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Louise de la Valliere」
...As a matter of fact we had not the slightest faith in these expedients...
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」
...Various expedients have been tried toarrest their course, but without effect...
Alpheus Spring Packard 「Our Common Insects」
...As previously stated, fly papers, poisons, and traps are at bestonly temporary expedients...
L. O. Howard and F. C. Bishopp 「The House Fly and How to Suppress It」
...It became quite clear to me that, in this rough country, it wasuseless to think of pursuing Lobo with hounds and horses, so thatpoison or traps were the only available expedients...
Ernest Seton-Thompson 「Lobo, Rag and Vixen」
...Well as I knew him, he often astonished me; for, when hard pressed in accomplishing the task that he was put to, he had expedients of the moment that bespoke a great share of the reasoning faculty...
Samuel Griswold Goodrich 「Illustrative Anecdotes of the Animal Kingdom」
...If he is not already betrothed, and is matrimonially inclined, he has various expedients for accomplishing his desires...
Robert W. Williamson 「The Mafulu」
...Theworthy gentleman, after suggesting various expedients, but to no purpose,at last said—“Well! he could see nothing for it but to trust inProvidence...
H. G. Nicholls 「The Forest of Dean」
...When colour comesto be considered it may be necessary to adopt many expedients thatit is as well not to trouble too much about until a further stageis reached...
Harold Speed 「The Practice and Science Of Drawing」
...He recognizes its complexity andenforces the sense of reality by a thousand expedients of what one mayalmost call contrasting masses, derivative movements, and balancingplanes...
W. C. Brownell 「French Art」
...The most worldly would be in the front pews, and preachers would nothave to resort so often to their rather desperate expedients to attractan audience...
Dr. D.M. Brooks 「The Necessity of Atheism」
batty globes hutchinson