...The dignitary enjoyed thinking of his son allied to the boundless plains and immense herds whose description always affected him like a marvellous tale...
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」
...At the end of 1572, when the allied forces were disbanded,Colonna returned to Rome, whither our author probably accompaniedhim, since he tells us that he followed his "conquering banners...
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 「The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha」
...There was present one who stoodupon the step just below the throne and which Tarzan was to learn wasthe place reserved for the higher chiefs of the allied tribes whichmade up Ko-tan's kingdom...
Edgar Rice Burroughs 「Tarzan the Terrible」
...Hooker, who kindly informs me that they belong "apparently to an apocyneous plant, very nearly allied to the Malouetia Heudlotii (of Decaisne), a native of Senegambia...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
...In Asia it should include the great Indianrhinoceros and its allied species, the burrhel, the Nilgiri tahr andthe gayal...
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」
...A speciesvery closely allied to D...
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」
Horsfield remarks:—"This species is nearly allied to the S...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
The following group consists of the striped squirrels, a smaller andmore terrestrial species, allied to the ground squirrels (Tamias)...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
35 Ovis Heinsi and Ovis nigromontana are doubtfulspecies allied to the foregoing, and are not found within the limitsassigned to this work...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
...It is apparently allied to the O...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
...In some parts the Hindoos will not touchthe flesh of this animal, which they believe to be allied to the cow...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
...Jerdon says that Kellaart named an allied species from CeylonCorsira newera ellia, but I have not been able to find it in his'Prodromus Faunæ Zeylanicæ,' nor elsewhere...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
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