

...Oranges, bread crusts, seat cushions,flew into the ring like swift projectiles aimed at the matador...   Oranges, bread crusts, seat cushions,flew into the ring like swift projectiles aimed at the matadorの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez Frances Douglas 「The Blood of the Arena」

...I might have got twenty yards or so nearer, but I thought Ihad better not risk moving, so I aimed at the shoulder and fired...   I might have got twenty yards or so nearer, but I thought Ihad better not risk moving, so I aimed at the shoulder and firedの読み方
J. H. Patterson 「The Man-eaters of Tsavo and Other East African Adventures」

...At the same instant Grosvenor’s bullet, aimed at her head, crashed into her flank, passing right through it and utterly paralysing her hind quarters...   At the same instant Grosvenor’s bullet, aimed at her head, crashed into her flank, passing right through it and utterly paralysing her hind quartersの読み方
Harry Collingwood 「The Adventures of Dick Maitland」

...I quickly seized the opportunity and fired the "Baby," with an explosive shell, aimed far back in the flank, trusting that it would penetrate beneath the opposite shoulder...   I quickly seized the      opportunity and fired the Baby, with an explosive shell, aimed far back      in the flank, trusting that it would penetrate beneath the opposite      shoulderの読み方
Samuel White Baker 「In the Heart of Africa」

...Shot after shot was now aimed at our pursuer...   Shot after shot was now aimed at our pursuerの読み方
W.H.G. Kingston 「The Two Supercargoes」

...Few of our shots—as far as I could judge—appeared to be so successfully aimed as the first had been...   Few of our shots—as far as I could judge—appeared to be so successfully aimed as the first had beenの読み方
W.H.G. Kingston 「The Two Supercargoes」

...The carpenters struck where they aimed, and the calkers wasted no blows in idle flourishes of the mallet...   The      carpenters struck where they aimed, and the calkers wasted no blows in      idle flourishes of the malletの読み方
Frederick Douglass 「My Bondage and My Freedom」

...Helen was a contented wife and mother because she was fitted for the position, and happy in it; while she who had aimed so high had fallen piteously...   Helen was a contented wife and      mother because she was fitted for the position, and happy in it;      while she who had aimed so high had fallen piteouslyの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Quest of the Silver Fleece」

...Last year it was “Le Retourde Jerusalem” that aimed at fomentinganti-Semitic feeling; this yearit is “Ces Messieurs,” the sole objectof which is to stir up anti-clerical strife...   Last year it was “Le Retourde Jerusalem” that aimed at fomentinganti-Semitic feeling; this yearit is “Ces Messieurs,” the sole objectof which is to stir up anti-clerical strifeの読み方
Various 「Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 2, September, 1905」

...Paul Robin aimed at a higher ideal than merely modern ideas ineducation...   Paul Robin aimed at a higher ideal than merely modern ideas ineducationの読み方
Emma Goldman 「Anarchism and Other Essays」



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