...For months unnumbered, he spentevery Sunday patroling the woods and thickets of northern New Yorkand Westchester county, usually accompanied by John J...
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」
...Heaton, into Westchester, N...
Richard L. Allen 「Domestic Animals」
..., 3d Sire, Kelburn, importedby Hungerford & Brodie, Dam, Flora, by Oswald, importedby William Watson, Westchester, N...
Various 「Herd Record of the Association of Breeders of Thorough-Bred Neat Stock」
...: Sire, Malcolm, out of Beith, imported by WilliamWatson, Westchester, N...
Various 「Herd Record of the Association of Breeders of Thorough-Bred Neat Stock」
...Calved April 1st, 1857; bred by and the property of , West Farms, Westchester County, N...
Various 「Herd Record of the Association of Breeders of Thorough-Bred Neat Stock」
..., Yorktown Heights, Westchester Co...
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」
...Bydawn of that June 10th, the south wind was carrying from the enemyarea a perceptible wave of cold even as far as Westchester...
Various 「Astounding Stories, April, 1931」
...The patrol station of the Westchester area is beingattacked by Robots...
Various 「Astounding Stories, June, 1931」
...He was called to distant Westchester where the harried Army officials had their temporary headquarters this night...
Raymond King Cummings 「The White Invaders」
...We caught with the beam that marching line of apparitions beneath the ground surface—a section of Tako’s army which was advancing upon Westchester...
Raymond King Cummings 「The White Invaders」
radiators pleas organist