

...James Walsh, divining what I should need most, left an ounce of quinine...   James Walsh, divining what I should need most,      left an ounce of quinineの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

...'John Walsh of Dorset, in 1566, confessed that 'when he would call him [theSpirit], hee sayth hee must geue hym some lyuing thing, as a Chicken, aCat, or a Dog...   John Walsh of Dorset, in 1566, confessed that when he would call him [theSpirit], hee sayth hee must geue hym some lyuing thing, as a Chicken, aCat, or a Dogの読み方
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」

...' In 1566 John Walsh, the Dorset witch, 'being demaunded whetherhe had euer any Familiar or no: he sayth that he had one of his saydemayster...    In 1566 John Walsh, the Dorset witch, being demaunded whetherhe had euer any Familiar or no: he sayth that he had one of his saydemaysterの読み方
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」



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