

...From 2 to 4 miles west of Waimea, on both sides of the road toKawaihae, are numerous stone walls, house sites, garden inclosures,taro terraces, and other forms, of uncertain use and purpose...   From 2 to 4 miles west of Waimea, on both sides of the road toKawaihae, are numerous stone walls, house sites, garden inclosures,taro terraces, and other forms, of uncertain use and purposeの読み方
Gerard Fowke 「Archeological Investigations」

...It is 48 milesfrom Waimea to the quarries, part of the way by cattle trail throughrough country, and they are at an elevation of more than 10,000 feet,considerably above the winter snow line...   It is 48 milesfrom Waimea to the quarries, part of the way by cattle trail throughrough country, and they are at an elevation of more than 10,000 feet,considerably above the winter snow lineの読み方
Gerard Fowke 「Archeological Investigations」

...There were formerly several heiaus within a few miles of Waimea...   There were formerly several heiaus within a few miles of Waimeaの読み方
Gerard Fowke 「Archeological Investigations」

...At the east foot of a rocky peak 13 miles by road from Waimea, at anelevation of more than 3,600 feet, is a small heiau almost on thebrink of the canyon...   At the east foot of a rocky peak 13 miles by road from Waimea, at anelevation of more than 3,600 feet, is a small heiau almost on thebrink of the canyonの読み方
Gerard Fowke 「Archeological Investigations」



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