...The opposers were, the Dukes of Clarence and Sussex, the Marquis of Sligo, the Earl of Westmoreland, and the Lords Eldon and Sheffield...
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」
...In Sussex and Kent, when I was a boy, itwas commonly played among children, but always called cat's, catch, orscratch cradle, and consisted generally of two or more players...
Harrison Weir 「Our Cats and All About Them」
...They enter the county of Sussex on the west side, and arecontinued almost in a direct line, as far as East Bourne, where theyreach the sea...
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」
...They penetrated farther into the pulsing entity that wasFinn than even his experience with Matey, or his hunting and killing of the foxbeside the Sussex Downs...
A. J. Dawson 「Finn The Wolfhound」
...All his life long, up till the time of his separation fromthe Master, Finn had been treated with uniform kindness and consideration, saveduring one very brief interval in Sussex...
A. J. Dawson 「Finn The Wolfhound」
...Take onecase which occurred in Sussex...
Honoré Bourguignon 「On the cattle plague: or, Contagious typhus in horned cattle. Its history, origin, description, and treatment」
...It is found from time to time invarious parts of the country, breeding in Kent, Sussex and theChannel Islands, but is most abundant on the shores of the Mediterranean...
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」
...Forty were taken in a season in woods near Henfield, Sussex...
W. S. Coleman 「British Butterfiles」
..." This is accounted for in a singular way; forthere is a common opinion in the east of Sussex, that "the milk of ablack cow never gives so much butter as that of a red one...
George Vasey 「Delineations of the Ox Tribe」
...Now-a-days Kent and Sussex run eastwards infive more or less parallel ridges, not far short of 1,000 feet high,with deep valleys between...
Robert Marett 「Anthropology」
...Benedict’s Church,Cambridge, of Sompting Church, Sussex, and of St...
Matthew Holbeche Bloxam 「The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed.」
...In Clemping Church, Sussex, is an early chest of thethirteenth century, the front of which exhibits a series of plain pointedarches trefoiled in the head, and other carved work...
Matthew Holbeche Bloxam 「The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed.」
...Stratford died at Mayfield in Sussex, and was buried in his owncathedral, where his monument still remains...
Hartley Withers 「The Cathedral Church of Canterbury [2nd ed.].」
...Thus the noblemen and prelates are served by them, and especially in the county of Kent, Essex, Sussex and Bedford...
Jean Froissart, Thomas Malory, Raphael Holinshed 「Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)」
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