

...Townsendhad been at Ward's establishment in Rochesterwhen the first copy of the Stuttgart restorationwas made, he rose to the emergency,and made a sketch...   Townsendhad been at Wards establishment in Rochesterwhen the first copy of the Stuttgart restorationwas made, he rose to the emergency,and made a sketchの読み方
Frederic A. Lucas 「Animals of the Past」

...In addition to this I read the public communications made by Professor Ziegler at Stuttgart, as well as also his own personal opinions...   In addition to this I read the public communications made by Professor Ziegler at Stuttgart, as well as also his own personal opinionsの読み方
Henny Kindermann Agnes Blake 「Lola」

..."'This is what Professor Ziegler sends you from Stuttgart with many greetings, and he hopes you are good, and that you will write him a letter...   This is what Professor Ziegler sends you from Stuttgart with many greetings, and he hopes you are good, and that you will write him a letterの読み方
Henny Kindermann Agnes Blake 「Lola」

..., of Stuttgart and, if so, would place the subject in a new perspective...   , of Stuttgart and, if so, would place the subject in a new perspectiveの読み方
Henny Kindermann Agnes Blake 「Lola」

...Yet at the same time I was by no means so sure that this could be managed, and thought therefore of taking her to Stuttgart...   Yet at the same time I was by no means so sure that this could be managed, and thought therefore of taking her to Stuttgartの読み方
Henny Kindermann Agnes Blake 「Lola」

...And yet they are sometimes quite ready to work with others, this being the case with Lola when I took her to Stuttgart, on a visit to a lady she already knew—Fräulein M...   And yet they are sometimes quite ready to work with others, this being the case with Lola when I took her to Stuttgart, on a visit to a lady she already knew—Fräulein Mの読み方
Henny Kindermann Agnes Blake 「Lola」

...At Stuttgart there was a larger circle of listeners, and Lola sat in their midst upon a table...   At Stuttgart there was a larger circle of listeners, and Lola sat in their midst upon a tableの読み方
Henny Kindermann Agnes Blake 「Lola」

...Here is an answer I received from her on the 13 April, 1916: Lola was staying with me at Hohenheim, where we had arrived on the previous day, and I proceeded to Stuttgart in the morning...   Here is an answer I received from her on the 13 April, 1916: Lola was staying with me at Hohenheim, where we had arrived on the previous day, and I proceeded to Stuttgart in the morningの読み方
Henny Kindermann Agnes Blake 「Lola」

...Here in Stuttgart my Lectures delivered on the subject have so far led to the training of four dogs in counting as well as spelling, this having been done with best results...   Here in Stuttgart my Lectures delivered on the subject have so far led to the training of four dogs in counting as well as spelling, this having been done with best resultsの読み方
Henny Kindermann Agnes Blake 「Lola」

...Lutz, Stuttgart, 1919...   Lutz, Stuttgart, 1919の読み方
Henny Kindermann Agnes Blake 「Lola」

...Jordan, Stuttgart, 1919...   Jordan, Stuttgart, 1919の読み方
Henny Kindermann Agnes Blake 「Lola」

...Ploucquet, of Stuttgart...   Ploucquet, of Stuttgartの読み方
Montagu Browne 「Practical Taxidermy」

..., Stuttgart, 1846-53...   , Stuttgart, 1846-53の読み方
Frédéric Houssay 「The Industries of Animals」

...Between Kalw and Stuttgart, when the corn bends before thewind, they say, “There runs the Horse...   Between Kalw and Stuttgart, when the corn bends before thewind, they say, “There runs the Horseの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...—Cranach, Bamberg Cathedral and Gallery,Munich, Vienna, Dresden, Berlin, Stuttgart, Cassel; Cranachthe Younger, Stadtkirche Wittenberg, Leipsic, Vienna,Nuremberg Mus...   —Cranach, Bamberg Cathedral and Gallery,Munich, Vienna, Dresden, Berlin, Stuttgart, Cassel; Cranachthe Younger, Stadtkirche Wittenberg, Leipsic, Vienna,Nuremberg Musの読み方
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」

...Berlin, New Pinacothek Munich, Stuttgart, Phila...   Berlin, New Pinacothek Munich, Stuttgart, Philaの読み方
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」



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