

...Where there are childrenabout the house it may be necessary to disposeof ugly ganders to safeguard the children from seriousinjury...   Where there are childrenabout the house it may be necessary to disposeof ugly ganders to safeguard the children from seriousinjuryの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...For this purpose the African ganders arevery popular used upon the Toulouse geese...   For this purpose the African ganders arevery popular used upon the Toulouse geeseの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...In giving the standard weights for thedifferent breeds of geese the birds are classified asadult ganders and young ganders and as adult geeseand young geese...   In giving the standard weights for thedifferent breeds of geese the birds are classified asadult ganders and young ganders and as adult geeseand young geeseの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...Egyptian and Canadian ganders willnot breed before they are 2 years old...   Egyptian and Canadian ganders willnot breed before they are 2 years oldの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...In generalit is good practice to mate young ganders to oldergeese and to mate younger geese with older gandersas this seems to get better results both in fertilityand in hatching...   In generalit is good practice to mate young ganders to oldergeese and to mate younger geese with older gandersas this seems to get better results both in fertilityand in hatchingの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...Some ganders are very troublesome about mating...   Some ganders are very troublesome about matingの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...Insome cases it is impossible to get ganders to mate atall while frequently they will refuse to mate withmore than one goose...   Insome cases it is impossible to get ganders to mate atall while frequently they will refuse to mate withmore than one gooseの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...The ganders often breed whenthey are two years old...   The ganders often breed whenthey are two years oldの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...The market geeseconsist principally of the surplus young ganders notrequired for breeding purposes and such of the oldgeese of either sex as it may be considered desirableto get rid of...   The market geeseconsist principally of the surplus young ganders notrequired for breeding purposes and such of the oldgeese of either sex as it may be considered desirableto get rid ofの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...Young ganders and any old ganders orgeese which are to be marketed are used for noodling...   Young ganders and any old ganders orgeese which are to be marketed are used for noodlingの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...The ganders aregenerally, though not invariably, white, and are sometimes called Embdengeese, from a town of Hanover...   The ganders aregenerally, though not invariably, white, and are sometimes called Embdengeese, from a town of Hanoverの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...They are said to be a short-lived species; the ganders, at least, notlasting more than ten or a dozen years...   They are said to be a short-lived species; the ganders, at least, notlasting more than ten or a dozen yearsの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...I then placed him in a large collection of barnyardfowl where there were half a dozen mongrel cocks, a drake of the muscovyvariety, several ganders, and two turkey-gobblers...   I then placed him in a large collection of barnyardfowl where there were half a dozen mongrel cocks, a drake of the muscovyvariety, several ganders, and two turkey-gobblersの読み方
Nathaniel Southgate Shaler 「Domesticated Animals」

...He shortly overcame the drake and the ganders...   He shortly overcame the drake and the gandersの読み方
Nathaniel Southgate Shaler 「Domesticated Animals」

...To produce this average number, flocks of 15 or 20geese and 4 or 5 ganders are kept...   To produce this average number, flocks of 15 or 20geese and 4 or 5 ganders are keptの読み方
John H. Robinson 「Our Domestic Birds」

...It is composed of asmany families as there are ganders, and if the pasture is large, thesefamilies will remain separate a great deal of the time...   It is composed of asmany families as there are ganders, and if the pasture is large, thesefamilies will remain separate a great deal of the timeの読み方
John H. Robinson 「Our Domestic Birds」



fag   likely   airlocks  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
不可逆   政令指定都市   多血症  

