... This gentleman handed me a letter from my sister, Lady Georgiana Curzon, dated Christmas Day of the previous year, which had at last reached me under peculiar circumstances...
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」
...Lady Georgiana Curzon's eloquent appeal proved to be the salvation of many a family in Mafeking...
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」
...The King had previously nominated Lady Georgiana Curzon and myself to be Ladies of Grace of the Order of St...
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」
...Thus the loyalty of the men of Britain was proven, and among the women who yearned to be up and doing were Lady Georgiana Curzon and Lady Chesham...
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」
...Lewis left five children in bondage, Horace, John, Georgiana, Louisa and Louis, Jr...
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」
...Wilson having lost his wife by consumption, and Georgiana being his only child, he loved her too dearly to say more, even if he felt disposed...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」
...The negro-driver always tried to insinuate himself into the good opinion of Georgiana and the company that she brought...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」
... IN vain did Georgiana try to console Clotelle, when the latter heard, through one of the other slaves, that Mr...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」
... “But,” answered Georgiana, “Clotelle has a superior mind, and God intended her to hold a higher position in life than that of a servant...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」
... Georgiana did all in her power to soothe the feelings of Clotelle, and to induce her to put her trust in God...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」
...While the clock on the church near by was striking eleven, Georgiana called Sam, and sent him to the prison in search of Clotelle...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」
...Wilson having lost his wife by consumption, and Georgiana being hisonly child, he loved her too dearly to say more, even if he feltdisposed...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle: a Tale of the Southern States」
...One day,when Georgiana and some of her Connecticut friends were there, theoverseer called all the slaves up to the "great house," and set some ofthe young ones to dancing...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle: a Tale of the Southern States」
...After satisfying herself that these two reallyloved, Georgiana advised their marriage...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle: a Tale of the Southern States」
...Wilson, when left alone with his daughter,—"this, mydear Georgiana, is the result of your kindness to the negroes...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle: a Tale of the Southern States」
...Wilson was seated in his study preparing his sermon forthe next day, Georgiana entered the room and asked in an excited toneif it were true that Jerome was to be hanged on the following Thursday...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle: a Tale of the Southern States」
...For many months Georgiana had been in a decline, and any littletrouble would lay her on a sick bed for days...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle: a Tale of the Southern States」
radiators pleas organist