

...Ford, Cline, and Dickey, Esquires...   Ford,            Cline, and Dickey, Esquiresの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

...Hutchinson and Dickey were called upon to make an examination, at which I was present, and all were clearly of opinion that he had been foully murdered...   Hutchinson               and Dickey were called upon to make an examination, at which I was present,               and all were clearly of opinion that he had been foully murderedの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

...On September 11, 1888, a solitary bull was killed 3 milesfrom the town of Oakes, in Dickey County...   On September 11, 1888, a solitary bull was killed 3 milesfrom the town of Oakes, in Dickey Countyの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「The Extermination of the American Bison」

..."Dear Dickey Downy, why are you afraid of me? Your own little Pollywouldn't hurt you for the world...   Dear Dickey Downy, why are you afraid of me?  Your own little Pollywouldnt hurt you for the worldの読み方
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」

... Eliza gave a surprised consent, but watched the boy closely as hestood near and chirped to me calling me, "Po-o-o-r Dickey Downy," assoon as he found out my name...    Eliza gave a surprised consent, but watched the boy closely as hestood near and chirped to me calling me, Po-o-o-r Dickey Downy, assoon as he found out my nameの読み方
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」

..."Thank Polly for me for Dickey Downy's visit and tell her whenever shewants to go away anywhere I'll be glad to take care of him for her,"Eliza said when the time came for me to go...   Thank Polly for me for Dickey Downys visit and tell her whenever shewants to go away anywhere Ill be glad to take care of him for her,Eliza said when the time came for me to goの読み方
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」

..."Let's show it to Dickey Downy and then put it out of the door and letit go home," said Polly...   Lets show it to Dickey Downy and then put it out of the door and letit go home, said Pollyの読み方
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」

...Polly retorted, "Don't be too sure! Dickey is a very intelligent bird,a very extraordinary bird...   Polly retorted, Dont be too sure!  Dickey is a very intelligent bird,a very extraordinary birdの読み方
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」

..."Dearest Dickey Downy, good-bye," she said to me, and her voice had alittle tremor in it...   Dearest Dickey Downy, good-bye, she said to me, and her voice had alittle tremor in itの読み方
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」

...Fullerton, of Chillicothe, and William Dickey, of Ross or Fayette County,Ohio...   Fullerton, of Chillicothe, and William Dickey, of Ross or Fayette County,Ohioの読み方
Various 「The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916」



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