

...Five minutes after, the commander called the second lieutenant, who returned immediately, ordering the head to be put towards Corunna...   Five minutes after, the      commander called the second lieutenant, who returned immediately, ordering      the head to be put towards Corunnaの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」

...When Sir John Moore's soldiers embarkedafter the battle of Corunna, orders were given that the troophorses should be shot, rather than that they should fall intothe hands of the enemy...   When Sir John Moores soldiers embarkedafter the battle of Corunna, orders were given that the troophorses should be shot, rather than that they should fall intothe hands of the enemyの読み方
Various 「Natural History in Anecdote」

...Liverpool to Corunna, Carril, Vigo and Oporto,fortnightly, on Thursdays, by the steamers of the“Pacific Steam Navigation Co...   Liverpool to Corunna, Carril, Vigo and Oporto,fortnightly, on Thursdays, by the steamers of the“Pacific Steam Navigation Coの読み方
George Chambers 「The Story of Eclipses」



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