...William Beebe found that during his visitin 1911, over 46,000 pheasants of various species were shipped fromthat port on one cold-storage steamer to the London market...
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」
...William Beebe and Verdi Burtch, appeared in the ZoologicalSociety Bulletin for May, 1912...
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」
...William Beebe...
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」
...William Beebe, who recently has probed the London feather trade almost to the bottom...
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」
...William Beebe, collectionsof insects, including bees, were made...
T. D. A. Cockerell 「Bees from British Guiana」
...Tectonic history of the south Central-American orogen, in Childsand Beebe eds...
John D. Lynch 「Genera of Leptodactylid Frogs in México」
declines deride birthdays