

... In the month of October, 1863, Clotelle resolved to visit Andersonville, Ga...        In the month of October, 1863, Clotelle resolved to visit Andersonville,      Gaの読み方
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」

...On her arrival at Andersonville, Clotelle took up her abode with a private family, of Union proclivities, and commenced her work of mercy...   On her      arrival at Andersonville, Clotelle took up her abode with a private      family, of Union proclivities, and commenced her work of mercyの読み方
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」

... The brutal treatment and daily murders committed upon our soldiers in the Andersonville prisons caused Clotelle to secretly aid prisoners in their escape...         The brutal treatment and daily murders committed upon our soldiers in the      Andersonville prisons caused Clotelle to secretly aid prisoners in their      escapeの読み方
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」

...The Andersonville prisoners had to dig ten feet down into the earth, after cutting through the floor, and then went a distance of fifty feet to get beyond the wall...   The Andersonville prisoners had to dig ten feet down into the      earth, after cutting through the floor, and then went a distance of fifty      feet to get beyond the wallの読み方
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」

...Long suspected of too freely aiding Union prisoners, Clotelle was now openly charged with a knowledge of the escape of these men, and was compelled to leave Andersonville...   Long suspected of too      freely aiding Union prisoners, Clotelle was now openly charged with a      knowledge of the escape of these men, and was compelled to leave      Andersonvilleの読み方
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」

...While passing through this town, on her return from Andersonville to New Orleans, Clotelle had to encounter the fierce ill-treatment of these chivalrous daughters of the South...   While passing through this town, on her return from      Andersonville to New Orleans, Clotelle had to encounter the fierce      ill-treatment of these chivalrous daughters of the Southの読み方
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」



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