

...天正の一揆には、百姓一揆だけでなく、武士も参加した...   天正の一揆には、百姓一揆だけでなく、武士も参加したの読み方

...天正遣欧少年使節: The Tenshō embassy was a diplomatic mission to Europe and the first official Japanese delegation to the continent in 1582....   天正遣欧少年使節: The Tenshō embassy was a diplomatic mission to Europe and the first official Japanese delegation to the continent in 1582.の読み方

...天正大地震: The Tenshō earthquake occurred on September 20, 1596, in the provinces of Kii and Izumi (present-day Wakayama Prefecture and Osaka Prefecture)....   天正大地震: The Tenshō earthquake occurred on September 20, 1596, in the provinces of Kii and Izumi (present-day Wakayama Prefecture and Osaka Prefecture).の読み方

...天正壬午の乱: The Tenshō Iga War (1579-1581) was a conflict between two factions of the Iga Province in feudal Japan....   天正壬午の乱: The Tenshō Iga War (1579-1581) was a conflict between two factions of the Iga Province in feudal Japan.の読み方

...天正琉球役: The Tenshō embassy to Ryukyu in 1582 was the first formal visit of the Ryukyu Kingdom by officials from Japan....   天正琉球役: The Tenshō embassy to Ryukyu in 1582 was the first formal visit of the Ryukyu Kingdom by officials from Japan.の読み方

...天正神器の嘆き: The Tenshō lament of the sacred treasures, a Japanese legend that says the three imperial regalia, the mirror, the sword, and the jewel, cried as they were hidden away during the war....   天正神器の嘆き: The Tenshō lament of the sacred treasures, a Japanese legend that says the three imperial regalia, the mirror, the sword, and the jewel, cried as they were hidden away during the war.の読み方

...雑賀一揆は、天正、慶長、文禄年間に複数回、織田信長、豊臣秀吉、徳川家康に対して起こった...   雑賀一揆は、天正、慶長、文禄年間に複数回、織田信長、豊臣秀吉、徳川家康に対して起こったの読み方

...織田氏は天正伊賀の乱で伊賀流忍者と戦いました...   織田氏は天正伊賀の乱で伊賀流忍者と戦いましたの読み方

...武田氏は天正壬午の乱で滅亡した...   武田氏は天正壬午の乱で滅亡したの読み方




体重計   溥儀   普通の生活  





時事ニュース漢字 📺
一過性   不可能   最低限  

