...天正遣欧少年使節: The Tenshō embassy was a diplomatic mission to Europe and the first official Japanese delegation to the continent in 1582....
...天正大地震: The Tenshō earthquake occurred on September 20, 1596, in the provinces of Kii and Izumi (present-day Wakayama Prefecture and Osaka Prefecture)....
...天正壬午の乱: The Tenshō Iga War (1579-1581) was a conflict between two factions of the Iga Province in feudal Japan....
...天正琉球役: The Tenshō embassy to Ryukyu in 1582 was the first formal visit of the Ryukyu Kingdom by officials from Japan....
...天正神器の嘆き: The Tenshō lament of the sacred treasures, a Japanese legend that says the three imperial regalia, the mirror, the sword, and the jewel, cried as they were hidden away during the war....