

...The finest portion of the flour does not make bread nearly so white as the seconds, and here the boyaloa (pombe), or native beer, is employed to mix with the flour instead of yeast...   The finest portion      of the flour does not make bread nearly so white as the seconds, and here      the boyaloa (pombe), or native beer, is employed to mix with the flour      instead of yeastの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

...One drachm of calomel was administered in gruel,four hours afterwards one pint of castor oil, and three hours later onequart of yeast...   One drachm of calomel was administered in gruel,four hours afterwards one pint of castor oil, and three hours later onequart of yeastの読み方
Honoré Bourguignon 「On the cattle plague: or, Contagious typhus in horned cattle. Its history, origin, description, and treatment」

...Attwo o’clock this morning he came in almost frozen, with two small cansof milk and two yeast cakes...   Attwo o’clock this morning he came in almost frozen, with two small cansof milk and two yeast cakesの読み方
Elinore Pruitt Stewart 「Letters on an Elk Hunt」

..." It is, in fact, a yeast beer...    It is, in fact, a yeast beerの読み方
Edward S. Curtis 「The North American Indian」

...) Water jar for making yeast, of yellow ware...   ) Water jar for making yeast, of yellow wareの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Small yellow-ware bowl used in making the stone ash as yeast,and coloring matter, of blue guyave...   Small yellow-ware bowl used in making the stone ash as yeast,and coloring matter, of blue guyaveの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Bowl used for mixing mineral yeast and coloring matter ofguyave and mush-bread...   Bowl used for mixing mineral yeast and coloring matter ofguyave and mush-breadの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Small-mouthed yeast souring bowl...   Small-mouthed yeast souring bowlの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Small bowl for mixture of stone ash used as yeast...   Small bowl for mixture of stone ash used as yeastの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Small ornamentally painted yeast bowl...   Small ornamentally painted yeast bowlの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Red ware yeast pot, with ancient decoration...   Red ware yeast pot, with ancient decorationの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Pair very ancient yeast jars of whiteware...   Pair very ancient yeast jars of whitewareの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...The measure of barley kneaded with the straw, of which the bread, sourer than yeast, was made, had not cost more than five sous; and the bread was musty and as dry as bark...   The measure of barley kneaded with the straw, of which      the bread, sourer than yeast, was made, had not cost more than five sous;      and the bread was musty and as dry as barkの読み方
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」



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