

...Spire elongated, chesnut-brown; base of the spiral volutions with a whitish band, which is central on the basal whorl...   Spire elongated, chesnut-brown; base of the spiral  volutions with a whitish band, which is central on the basal whorlの読み方
William Swainson 「Zoological Illustrations, Volume I」

...The whole of the body whorl and commencement of the spire is cancellated...   The whole of the  body whorl and commencement of the spire is cancellatedの読み方
William Swainson 「Zoological Illustrations, Volume I」

...Shell small, olive; spire longer than the aperture; the tip obtuse, rufous; basal whorl slightly carinated in the middle; umbilicus obsolete...   Shell small, olive; spire longer than the aperture; the tip obtuse,  rufous; basal whorl slightly carinated in the middle; umbilicus  obsoleteの読み方
William Swainson 「Zoological Illustrations, Volume II」

...Shell ovate-acute, white, with transverse punctured striæ; the basal whorl thick, with numerous bands consisting of small, and two of large tessellated spots; outer lip toothed...   Shell ovate-acute, white, with transverse punctured striæ; the  basal whorl thick, with numerous bands consisting of small, and two of  large tessellated spots; outer lip toothedの読み方
William Swainson 「Zoological Illustrations, Volume II」

...Rolled into a compact whorl, she fills the whole pan...   Rolled into a compact whorl, she fills the whole panの読み方
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」

...We have to break this last whorl if we would perceive the curious nest tucked away in the spiral...   We have to break this last whorl if we      would perceive the curious nest tucked away in the spiralの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「Bramble-bees and Others」

...If the second whorl is opaque, the spiral contains something...   If the second whorl is opaque, the spiral contains      somethingの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「Bramble-bees and Others」

...) from the mouth, the last spiral whorl contains nothing...   ) from the mouth, the last spiral whorl contains nothingの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「Bramble-bees and Others」

...2, the second whorl, and in figs...   2, the second whorl, and in figsの読み方
Alfred M. Tozzer and Glover M. Allen 「Animal Figures in the Maya Codices」

...The whorl is arranged on a U-shape stick calleda gñela; it is commonly done up by a sister, the mother, or somefriend of the maiden, and is stiffened with an oil pressed from squashseeds...   The whorl is arranged on a U-shape stick calleda gñela; it is commonly done up by a sister, the mother, or somefriend of the maiden, and is stiffened with an oil pressed from squashseedsの読み方
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」

...; butthe last whorl is more inflated, and the surface of the shell is notmalleated or lirate...   ; butthe last whorl is more inflated, and the surface of the shell is notmalleated or lirateの読み方
John McDouall Stuart 「Explorations in Australia, The Journals of John McDouall Stuart」

...Thelast whorl is acutely angulate posteriorly, and the spire is tabulated,giving to the shell a peculiar truncate appearance...   Thelast whorl is acutely angulate posteriorly, and the spire is tabulated,giving to the shell a peculiar truncate appearanceの読み方
John McDouall Stuart 「Explorations in Australia, The Journals of John McDouall Stuart」



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