

...Harrison Weir could hardly see to pick up food from the ground...   Harrison Weir could hardly see to pick up food from the groundの読み方
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」

...Harrison Weir I am likewise indebted...   Harrison Weir I  am likewise indebtedの読み方
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」

...The weir was pierced by five roundholes, each about nine inches in diameter...   The weir was pierced by five roundholes, each about nine inches in diameterの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...At Paisley (1678) BessieWeir 'was Officer to their several meetings...   At Paisley (1678) BessieWeir was Officer to their several meetingsの読み方
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」

...They do not fish with spears, hooks, or bowsand arrows, or with fishing lines, as is done in Mekeo; and even their weir and net systems are different from the Mekeo ones...   They do not fish with spears, hooks, or bowsand arrows, or with fishing lines, as is done in Mekeo; and even their weir and net systems are different from the Mekeo onesの読み方
Robert W. Williamson 「The Mafulu」

...The large weir nets are simply ordinary frameless nets about 3 to 5 yards long, and 1 yard wide, with a fairly small mesh...   The large weir nets are simply ordinary frameless nets about 3 to 5 yards long, and 1 yard wide, with a fairly small meshの読み方
Robert W. Williamson 「The Mafulu」

..."Alas, what will he profit thee?" said Gwyddno, to which Taliessin replied, "He will profit him more than the weir ever profited thee...   Alas, what will he profit thee? said Gwyddno, to which Taliessin      replied, He will profit him more than the weir ever profited theeの読み方
Thomas Wentworth Higginson 「Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic」

...”If these are not the misty mid regions of Weir, I don't know wherethey are...   ”If these are not the misty mid regions of Weir, I dont know wherethey areの読み方
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」



comfit   Plevna   termed  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
超新星爆発   集大成   人気番組  

