

...” In Buenos Ayres it is a summer visitant,appearing at the end of September...   ” In Buenos Ayres it is a summer visitant,appearing at the end of Septemberの読み方
P. L. Sclater 「Argentine Ornithology, Volume I (of 2)」

...ANDSOMER birds theremay be, but in the opinionof many this visitant tovarious portions of westernNorth America isin shape, color, and markings one of themost exquisite of the feather-wearers...   ANDSOMER birds theremay be, but in the opinionof many this visitant tovarious portions of westernNorth America isin shape, color, and markings one of themost exquisite of the feather-wearersの読み方
Various 「Birds Illustrated by Color Photography [August, 1897]」

...The Sage Thrasher seems to be a winter visitant to Coahuila...   The Sage Thrasher seems to be a winter visitant to Coahuilaの読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...—The Cedar Waxwing is an uncommon winter visitant to Coahuila...   —The Cedar Waxwing is an uncommon winter visitant to Coahuilaの読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...This subspecies of the Solitary Vireo is an uncommon migrant or winter visitant to Coahuila...   This subspecies of the Solitary Vireo is an uncommon migrant or winter visitant to Coahuilaの読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...—Miller, Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1957:368) remarked that Baird's Sparrow is a rare winter visitant to the northern states of México and recordedA...   —Miller, Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1957:368) remarked that Bairds Sparrow is a rare winter visitant to the northern states of México and recordedAの読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...—The Clay-colored Sparrow is a migrant or winter visitant in Coahuila...   —The Clay-colored Sparrow is a migrant or winter visitant in Coahuilaの読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...The White-crowned Sparrow is a fairly common migrant or winter visitant in Coahuila...   The White-crowned Sparrow is a fairly common migrant or winter visitant in Coahuilaの読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...Lincoln's Sparrow seems to be a fairly common migrant or winter visitant in Coahuila;M...   Lincolns Sparrow seems to be a fairly common migrant or winter visitant in Coahuila;Mの読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...—This postbreedingsummer visitant has been found nesting once in Finney County (Tordoff,1956:312)...   —This postbreedingsummer visitant has been found nesting once in Finney County (Tordoff,1956:312)の読み方
Richard F. Johnston 「The Breeding Birds of Kansas」

...Rare transient andwinter visitant...   Rare transient andwinter visitantの読み方
Harrison B Tordoff 「Check-list of the Birds of Kansas」

...Irregularwinter visitant, more frequent in west than in east...   Irregularwinter visitant, more frequent in west than in eastの読み方
Harrison B Tordoff 「Check-list of the Birds of Kansas」

...Rare and irregular winter visitant...   Rare and irregular winter visitantの読み方
Harrison B Tordoff 「Check-list of the Birds of Kansas」

...Winter visitant at irregularand, sometimes, long intervals...   Winter visitant at irregularand, sometimes, long intervalsの読み方
Harrison B Tordoff 「Check-list of the Birds of Kansas」

...Before we can successfully combat this peculiar visitant fromanother world, it is necessary that we gain some idea of the size andappearance of it...   Before we can successfully combat this peculiar visitant fromanother world, it is necessary that we gain some idea of the size andappearance of itの読み方
Victor Rousseau 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science January 1930」

... Many planes and Zeppelins were circling around the mysterious visitant...   
Many planes and Zeppelins were circling around the mysterious visitantの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, March 1930」

...As the wine was particularly good andabundant that year, the peasants attributed this happy result to theinfluence of the celestial visitant...   As the wine was particularly good andabundant that year, the peasants attributed this happy result to theinfluence of the celestial visitantの読み方
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」

...King landed on it, he conjectured that it was not an annual visitant of the island...   King landed on it, he conjectured that it was not an annual visitant of the islandの読み方
David Collins 「An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Vol. 1」



refusal   respective   jagged  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
皆既月食   大迷惑   混血児  

