

...I knowbetter what belongs to ploughing, delving, pruning, and plantingof vineyards, than how to make laws, and defend countriesand kingdoms...   I knowbetter what belongs to ploughing, delving, pruning, and plantingof vineyards, than how to make laws, and defend countriesand kingdomsの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 「The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha」

...The very name of Canary is a cheerful one, associated as it is with the idea of bounteous vineyards, and of those little golden birds that make music all over the world...   The very name of Canary is a cheerful one, associated      as it is with the idea of bounteous vineyards, and of those little golden      birds that make music all over the worldの読み方
Horatio Bridge 「Journal of an African Cruiser」

...Citrus groves,grape vineyards, and areas once cleared by man are preferred tocoastal sagebrush flats...   Citrus groves,grape vineyards, and areas once cleared by man are preferred tocoastal sagebrush flatsの読み方
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」

...In addition to insects and small mammals, grapes are eaten regularlyby skunks in vineyards, and the fruit of the prickly-pear cactusis often eaten...   In addition to insects and small mammals, grapes are eaten regularlyby skunks in vineyards, and the fruit of the prickly-pear cactusis often eatenの読み方
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」

...So firmly was this belief held that thesuccessful performance of the ceremony entitled the villagers tolevy a tax upon the owners of the neighbouring vineyards...   So firmly was this belief held that thesuccessful performance of the ceremony entitled the villagers tolevy a tax upon the owners of the neighbouring vineyardsの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...For I the Nonnenwerth have seen,And Oberwinter’s vineyards green,Musical Lurlei; and betweenThe hills to Bingen have I been,Bingen in Darmstadt, where the RheneCurves towards Mentz, a woody scene...   For I the Nonnenwerth have seen,And Oberwinter’s vineyards green,Musical Lurlei; and betweenThe hills to Bingen have I been,Bingen in Darmstadt, where the RheneCurves towards Mentz, a woody sceneの読み方
Alfred, Lord Tennyson 「The Early Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson」



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