...Where questions remained as to theidentification of the converted image, several on-line versions ofthe text and other resources were consulted in an attempt to resolve them...
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」
...Click on them to see larger versions of the images...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
...In Phillips's "Researches in South Africa," thefollowing account is given of the adventures ofa traveller which we quote from Jardine's Naturalists' Librarycollated with other versions...
Various 「Natural History in Anecdote」
For other versions of this tale see ...
Fay-Cooper Cole 「Traditions of the Tinguian: A Study in Philippine Folk-Lore」
... For other versions of this tale see ...
Fay-Cooper Cole 「Traditions of the Tinguian: A Study in Philippine Folk-Lore」
...Some versions of the myth hold that First-man’s hut was made of woodjust like the modern hogán, but it was covered with gorgeous rainbowsand bright sunbeams instead of bark and earth...
Cosmos Mindeleff 「Navaho Houses, pages 469-518」
...In the principal post-Homeric versions, the Tyrrhenians endeavorto kidnap Dionysos under pretext of conveying him to Naxos, thecircumstances being variously related...
Various 「The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1」
...Three Versions from the Conte del Graal, DiuCrône, and the Prose Lancelot, by ...
Anonymous Jessie L. Weston 「Sir Gawain and the Lady of Lys」
...Words where both versions appear in this text and have been retained...
Charles Morris 「Historic Tales, Vol 14 (of 15)」
...In the oneinstance in which the word appears in our versions, it is given as atranslation of Mazzaloth, better rendered in the margin as the "twelvesigns or constellations...
E. Walter Maunder 「The Astronomy of the Bible」
...There can therefore be little doubt that the translators who gave us ourEnglish versions are practically correct in the rendering of Jobxxxviii...
E. Walter Maunder 「The Astronomy of the Bible」
...Thus it is evident that two versions of theCreation are given in Genesis...
Dr. D.M. Brooks 「The Necessity of Atheism」
...Thelatter has received its name from the preference shown by the writer forthe use, as the Divine name, of the word Jehovah,—so spelt when givenin our English versions, but generally translated "the ...
E. Walter Maunder 「The Astronomy of the Bible」
...”Several versions of both songs were sent in, but the samechorus was always made to do duty for both songs...
A. B. Paterson 「The Old Bush Songs」