

..., vandalism...   , vandalismの読み方
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」

...Killing these noble animals for their hidessimply, or to gratify the pleasure of some Russian duke or English lord,is a species of vandalism which can not too quickly be checked...   Killing these noble animals for their hidessimply, or to gratify the pleasure of some Russian duke or English lord,is a species of vandalism which can not too quickly be checkedの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「The Extermination of the American Bison」

... So long as the American people keep out of the poorhouse, letthere be no lumber-cutting vandalism in that park, destroying thebeauty of every acre of forest that is touched by axe or saw...   
 So long as the American people keep out of the poorhouse, letthere be no lumber-cutting vandalism in that park, destroying thebeauty of every acre of forest that is touched by axe or sawの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」

...The most important of such causes are: therelief of suffering humanity, the conservation of the resources ofnature, and the prevention of vandalism...   The most important of such causes are: therelief of suffering humanity, the conservation of the resources ofnature, and the prevention of vandalismの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」

...Some who, ordinarily dwellingin cities, suffer from lack of bird neighbours,would regard the deliberate destructionof a rookery as an act of vandalism...   Some who, ordinarily dwellingin cities, suffer from lack of bird neighbours,would regard the deliberate destructionof a rookery as an act of vandalismの読み方
Frederick G. Aflalo 「Birds in the Calendar」

...Visiting tourists have done much damage by their vandalism...   Visiting tourists have done much damage by their vandalismの読み方
Cosmos Mindeleff 「The Repair Of Casa Grande Ruin, Arizona, in 1891」

...He stated that danger to the ruin was ofthree kinds—(1) by vandalism, (2) by elements, (3) by undermining...   He stated that danger to the ruin was ofthree kinds—(1) by vandalism, (2) by elements, (3) by underminingの読み方
Cosmos Mindeleff 「The Repair Of Casa Grande Ruin, Arizona, in 1891」

...The second Palatki ruin is well preserved, and as a rule the rooms,especially those in front, have suffered more from vandalism and fromthe elements than have those of Ruin ...   The second Palatki ruin is well preserved, and as a rule the rooms,especially those in front, have suffered more from vandalism and fromthe elements than have those of Ruin の読み方
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」

...No woodwork remains in any ofthese rooms, and the masonry is badly broken in places either bynatural agencies or through vandalism...   No woodwork remains in any ofthese rooms, and the masonry is badly broken in places either bynatural agencies or through vandalismの読み方
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」

..."Permit me to draw public attentionto an almost incredible act of vandalism which was perpetratedduring the last year in Egypt, close to the capital...   Permit me to draw public attentionto an almost incredible act of vandalism which was perpetratedduring the last year in Egypt, close to the capitalの読み方
Various 「The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1」

...Whatever hasbeen lost through vandalism and the restorer, this remainsunaltered...   Whatever hasbeen lost through vandalism and the restorer, this remainsunalteredの読み方
J. E. Bygate 「Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Durham」

...But especially did vandalism help to destroy,unnecessarily, many things which, legitimately used, might still havebeen allowed to remain as evidences of the artistic influence of theChurch in England...   But especially did vandalism help to destroy,unnecessarily, many things which, legitimately used, might still havebeen allowed to remain as evidences of the artistic influence of theChurch in Englandの読み方
Hubert C. Corlette 「Bell's Cathedrals: Chichester (1901)」

...Like other churches, that at Chichester felt the sting of controversyin unnecessary vandalism...   Like other churches, that at Chichester felt the sting of controversyin unnecessary vandalismの読み方
Hubert C. Corlette 「Bell's Cathedrals: Chichester (1901)」

...Already, at Salisbury, Wyatt had been busy with irreparabledeeds of vandalism, but at Hereford he surpassed his previousefforts in this direction...   Already, at Salisbury, Wyatt had been busy with irreparabledeeds of vandalism, but at Hereford he surpassed his previousefforts in this directionの読み方
A. Hugh Fisher 「Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Hereford, A Description」

...Other plans weresuggested; the mere removal of a single stone to make it more secure wasdeclared quite unnecessary; the taking down a gable to rebuild it wasdenounced as Vandalism...   Other plans weresuggested; the mere removal of a single stone to make it more secure wasdeclared quite unnecessary; the taking down a gable to rebuild it wasdenounced as Vandalismの読み方
W.D. Sweeting 「The Cathedral Church of Peterborough」

...Then, the spirit of vandalism taking hold of the Măluka, he cut the name of the missus deep into the yielding bark...   Then, the spirit of vandalism      taking hold of the Măluka, he cut the name of the missus deep into      the yielding barkの読み方
Jeanie “Mrs. Aeneas” Gunn 「We of the Never-Never」

...It is pure vandalism...   It is pure vandalismの読み方
G. P. Cuttriss 「Over the Top With the Third Australian Division」



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