

...A flock of half-a-dozen or more birds having astarling-like appearance, which twitter like stares and keep to thetopmost branches of trees, may be set down safely as spotted-wings...   A flock of half-a-dozen or more birds having astarling-like appearance, which twitter like stares and keep to thetopmost branches of trees, may be set down safely as spotted-wingsの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「Birds of the Indian Hills」

... But the poor tired little fellowheard neither the white bear's growl nor the gray robin's twitter...    But the poor tired little fellowheard neither the white bears growl nor the gray robins twitterの読み方
Lenore Elizabeth Mulets 「Stories of Birds」

...Suddenly, with a flash of blue wings and a funny little twitter, a birddarted right across her face...   Suddenly, with a flash of blue wings and a funny little twitter, a birddarted right across her faceの読み方
Lenore Elizabeth Mulets 「Stories of Birds」

...Then he disappeared, while shekept up the performance on the rail, with moreof a twitter, perhaps, and less of gymnastics...   Then he disappeared, while shekept up the performance on the rail, with moreof a twitter, perhaps, and less of gymnasticsの読み方
William J. Long 「Ways of Wood Folk」



ministration   softy   contradicting  



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