

...It is smaller, set much higher on legs and itsbody is neater and trimmer, and is oblong and carriedin a horizontal position...   It is smaller, set much higher on legs and itsbody is neater and trimmer, and is oblong and carriedin a horizontal positionの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...Her mother seemed somewhat ashamed of her little girl's bad manners, aswas shown by her apologetic air when she observed to the trimmer thatElsie was as queer a child as ever lived...   Her mother seemed somewhat ashamed of her little girls bad manners, aswas shown by her apologetic air when she observed to the trimmer thatElsie was as queer a child as ever livedの読み方
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」

...As the trimmer returned the boxes to the shelves, I overheard hermutter, "Oh, yes, Elsie is a g-r-e-a-t girl, a perfect little jewel, sowell-behaved...   As the trimmer returned the boxes to the shelves, I overheard hermutter, Oh, yes, Elsie is a g-r-e-a-t girl, a perfect little jewel, sowell-behavedの読み方
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」

...Collignon is not a literary trimmer, steeringa middle course between opposing theories...   Collignon is not a literary trimmer, steeringa middle course between opposing theoriesの読み方
Various 「The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1」

...Plain tosee now, why he had preferred to sit out-of-doors rather than within!Now, no one on the Flat had a trimmer little place than he...   Plain tosee now, why he had preferred to sit out-of-doors rather than within!Now, no one on the Flat had a trimmer little place than heの読み方
Henry Handel Richardson 「Australia Felix」



Belfort   exultation   drugs  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
混血児   言語道断   極限環境  

