...He also was now in the triangle of deep darkness, yet he knew that a man was there, who stood straight and tall, rising above his own height...
Anthony Hope 「Rupert of Hentzau」
...The kettle-drum,the triangle, the shepherd's pipe, and the erbeban instrument resembling the fiddle, with twostrings, form the band of music...
Abd Salam Shabeeny 「An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa」
...Most unexpectedly, in 1886 American zoologists were startled by thediscovery of a small herd on the Triangle Islands, in the CaribbeanSea, near Yucatan, by Mr...
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」
...If you find a dead animal, that is, bait, I mean, also set your traps in triangle around him...
A. R. (Arthur Robert) Harding 「Wolf and Coyote Trapping」
...Many of the trappers who use this method use only three traps at a setting and arrange them in the form of a triangle...
A. R. (Arthur Robert) Harding 「Wolf and Coyote Trapping」
...All they saw was a coiled,iron-grey mass, and two burning black eyes, with a glint of red in them, and ablood-coloured triangle in their upper corners...
A. J. Dawson 「Finn The Wolfhound」
...Supra-triangular space: in Anisoptera, an area justabove the triangle, occupying nearly the same position as thequadrilateral of Zygoptera: hyper-trigonal space...
John. B. Smith 「Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology」
...Triangle: in Odonata: a small, triangular cell at thejunction of cubitus with cubitus 1: a similar cell adjoining itbasally is the internal triangle discoidal triangle: cardinalcell; q...
John. B. Smith 「Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology」
...Powerful mandibles, shaped like an isosceles triangle, flat above, hollowed out below; and no indentations, none whatsoever...
J. Henri Fabre 「Bramble-bees and Others」
...Cranium triangular, the occiput forming thebase and the point of the nose the apex of the triangle, much flattened,auditory and particularly mastoid bullae conspicuously inflated...
Charles T. Vorhies and Walter P. Taylor 「Life History of the Kangaroo Rat」
...Females have a distinct interorbital triangle and dark brown blotches on the thighs and shanks...
Juan R. León 「The Systematics of the Frogs of the Hyla Rubra Group in Middle America」
...In the triangle between the waggon and the tents was kindled a large fire, upon each side of which two stakes, forked at the top, were driven into the ground...
Mayne Reid 「The Hunters' Feast」
craggy Colebrookdale fillip