...It is perhapsnot too much to assert that the transits of 1874 and 1882 have receiveda degree of attention never before accorded to any astronomicalphenomenon...
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」
...Considering that the earth is overtaken by Venus once every nineteenmonths, it might seem that the transits of the planet should occur withcorresponding frequency...
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」
...The transits may beall grouped together into pairs, the two transits of any single pairbeing separated by an interval of eight years...
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」
...This was very conclusively shownduring the transits of Venus in 1874 and 1882...
Simon Newcomb 「Side-lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science」
...Among the works I had projected was that of rediscussing all theobservations made on the transits of Venus which had occurred in 1761and 1769, by the light of modern discovery...
Simon Newcomb 「Side-lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science」
...eclipses and transits of satellites, , ...
Garrett Serviss 「Pleasures of the telescope」
...Bythis means the sun can be studied from day to day, and its spots orthe transits of Mercury and Venus shown to any number of spectators...
Henry Warren 「Recreations in Astronomy」
...Observations were made of transits of Mercury andVenus, and refracting and reflecting telescopes were invented...
Thomas Orchard 「The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'」
...Until recent years Transits of Venus were phenomena of greatimportance to astronomers, for they furnished the best means thenavailable of calculating the distance of the sun from the earth...
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」
...There is an interesting phenomenon in connection with transits which isknown as the "Black Drop...
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」
...The two transits to which Halley's memorable researches referredoccurred in the years 1761 and 1769...
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」
...Special attention was directed to this pointduring the recent transits, but no satellite of Venus was to be found...
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」
...Special attention has been directed to this point during the recenttransits...
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」
...Mercury: Elements;shapes, as seen from earth; transits...
Henry Warren 「Recreations in Astronomy」
...Ramsden's universal theodolite, set up for the purpose of observing transits, excited its share of attention from the curious...
Matthew Flinders 「A Voyage to Terra Australis」
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