

...The only real essentials are (a) something for the ear—a tomato can will do; (b) a trifle for clothing—and for that a scrap of gunny sacking will be quite enough...   The only  real essentials are (a) something for the ear—a  tomato can will do; (b) a trifle for clothing—and  for that a scrap of gunny sacking will be quite enoughの読み方
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」

...The uneven ground was covered with a bitter tomato (nenga) and with the shrub which, according to Herodotus, bears wool instead of fruit...   The uneven ground      was covered with a bitter tomato (nenga) and with the shrub which,      according to Herodotus, bears wool instead of fruitの読み方
Richard F. Burton 「Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2」

...Thelatter bird feeds also on caterpillars of the genus Phlegethontius, which includes, the tobacco and tomato worms...   Thelatter bird feeds also on caterpillars of the genus Phlegethontius, which includes, the tobacco and tomato wormsの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」

...The flanks, belly, and vocal sac are yellow, and theanterior and posterior surfaces of the thighs and webbing of the feetare bright orange-red or tomato red...   The flanks, belly, and vocal sac are yellow, and theanterior and posterior surfaces of the thighs and webbing of the feetare bright orange-red or tomato redの読み方
William E. Duellman 「A Distributional Study of the Amphibians of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico」

...One half can of Armour's Veribest Chipped Beef, two tablespoons ofcornstarch, a little paprika, one and one half cups of milk, and threefourths cup of tomato catsup...   One half can of Armours Veribest Chipped Beef, two tablespoons ofcornstarch, a little paprika, one and one half cups of milk, and threefourths cup of tomato catsupの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...LUNCHEON—Veribest Tomato Soup, Boiled Potatoes with CreamSauce, Cold Baked Star Ham Sliced, Bread and Butter, HotGingerbread, Jelly, Coffee...   LUNCHEON—Veribest Tomato Soup, Boiled Potatoes with CreamSauce, Cold Baked Star Ham Sliced, Bread and Butter, HotGingerbread, Jelly, Coffeeの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...LUNCHEON—Veribest Pork and Beans, Brown Bread and ButterSandwiches, Tomato Salad, Simon Pure Doughnuts, Armour'sGrape Juice...   LUNCHEON—Veribest Pork and Beans, Brown Bread and ButterSandwiches, Tomato Salad, Simon Pure Doughnuts, ArmoursGrape Juiceの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...DINNER—Armour's Veribest Tomato Soup, Croquettes ofVeribest Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Lima Beans with CreamDressing, Lettuce Salad, Ice Cream and Black Coffee...   DINNER—Armours Veribest Tomato Soup, Croquettes ofVeribest Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Lima Beans with CreamDressing, Lettuce Salad, Ice Cream and Black Coffeeの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...DINNER—Veribest Tomato Soup, Saltines, Veal Pocket (Extractof Beef), Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Green Corn Pudding,Red Cabbage Salad, Salt Rising Bread, Blackberry Pudding,Pumpkin Pie, Coffee...   DINNER—Veribest Tomato Soup, Saltines, Veal Pocket (Extractof Beef), Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Green Corn Pudding,Red Cabbage Salad, Salt Rising Bread, Blackberry Pudding,Pumpkin Pie, Coffeeの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...DINNER—Veribest Tomato Bouillon, Armour's Star Ham Baked,Creamed Potatoes, Creamed Onions, Lettuce Salad, Apple Pie...   DINNER—Veribest Tomato Bouillon, Armours Star Ham Baked,Creamed Potatoes, Creamed Onions, Lettuce Salad, Apple Pieの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...LUNCHEON—Beef Bouillon (Armour's Bouillon Cubes), SlicedTongue with Tomato Sauce, Cream of Tartar Biscuits, SlicedPeaches, Honey Gingerbread, Armour's Grape Juice...   LUNCHEON—Beef Bouillon (Armours Bouillon Cubes), SlicedTongue with Tomato Sauce, Cream of Tartar Biscuits, SlicedPeaches, Honey Gingerbread, Armours Grape Juiceの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...DINNER—Veribest Tomato Soup, Veribest Roast Beef with CreamGravy, Baked Sweet Potatoes, Pickled Pears, Rolls, CreamPie, Coffee, After Dinner Mints...   DINNER—Veribest Tomato Soup, Veribest Roast Beef with CreamGravy, Baked Sweet Potatoes, Pickled Pears, Rolls, CreamPie, Coffee, After Dinner Mintsの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...LUNCHEON—Veribest Creamed Chicken, Tomato and Green PepperSalad, Bread and Butter Sandwiches, Applesauce, Doughnuts,Iced Tea...   LUNCHEON—Veribest Creamed Chicken, Tomato and Green PepperSalad, Bread and Butter Sandwiches, Applesauce, Doughnuts,Iced Teaの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...LUNCHEON—Cream of Tomato Soup (Veribest), Veribest BeefLoaf, Tomato Salad, Rye Bread, Butter, Nut Cake, Armour'sGrape Juice Punch...   LUNCHEON—Cream of Tomato Soup (Veribest), Veribest BeefLoaf, Tomato Salad, Rye Bread, Butter, Nut Cake, ArmoursGrape Juice Punchの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...DINNER—Veribest Tomato Soup, Crackers, Veribest ChickenCreamed, Mashed Potatoes, Browned Cabbage, String Beans,Cream Cocoanut Pie, Watermelon, Coffee...   DINNER—Veribest Tomato Soup, Crackers, Veribest ChickenCreamed, Mashed Potatoes, Browned Cabbage, String Beans,Cream Cocoanut Pie, Watermelon, Coffeeの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...SUPPER—Armour's Tomato Soup with Croutons, Veribest Beanand Celery Salad, Cold Sliced Tongue, Hot Biscuits, Jelly,Tea...   SUPPER—Armours Tomato Soup with Croutons, Veribest Beanand Celery Salad, Cold Sliced Tongue, Hot Biscuits, Jelly,Teaの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...DINNER—Veribest Tomato Soup, Veribest Boned Chicken inBechamel Sauce, French Fried Potatoes, Cauliflower,Blackberry Pie, Cheese, Coffee...   DINNER—Veribest Tomato Soup, Veribest Boned Chicken inBechamel Sauce, French Fried Potatoes, Cauliflower,Blackberry Pie, Cheese, Coffeeの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」

...— Drain Veribest Pork and Beans(without tomato sauce), and pass them through a colander...   — Drain Veribest Pork and Beans(without tomato sauce), and pass them through a colanderの読み方
Various 「Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913」



congratulatory   drumsticks   communes  


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五大陸   多様性   孤立主義  

