...Our toboggan from thePole was ended...
Matthew A. Henson 「A Negro Explorer at the North Pole」
...The game of India is on the toboggan slide, and the old days ofabundance have gone forever...
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」
...The surface of the snow on the sea-ice variedcontinually, and over any very smooth patches thepedestrians almost invariably started to toboggan,whilst over “bad going” they all had perforce towalk...
George Murray Levick 「Antarctic Penguins」
...In it he storedhis supplies, which he had conveyed on a toboggan...
Various 「Hunting in Many Lands」
...At the top of the slide he would put his tail out flat behindhim and give himself a shove, shooting down the toboggan and landing inthe water with a big splash...
James Oliver Curwood 「Baree, Son of Kazan」
...One afternoon, when the toboggan was particularly wet and slippery fromrecent use, Baree went up the beaver path to the top of the bank, andbegan investigating...
James Oliver Curwood 「Baree, Son of Kazan」
...In aninstant his feet shot out from under him, and with a single wild yelphe went shooting down the toboggan...
James Oliver Curwood 「Baree, Son of Kazan」
...The latter nearly ran into Fred’s toboggan, and heshot it at a distance of 20 feet...
Francis Harper 「The Barren Ground Caribou of Keewatin」
...The"sliders," as well as he could remember the description of them, werelike sleds with runners; not flat boards like a toboggan...
Gerard Fowke 「Archeological Investigations」
...Thelight of his plane slanted down in an easy descent; the flyer wasgliding in on a long aerial toboggan slide...
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, November, 1930」
inventors terrifically problems