...Finding that blue tits were among the visitorsat the back, I hung up some lumps of suet and acocoa-nut to the twigs of the bushes...
W. H. Hudson 「Birds and Man」
...These birds are not Tits (Paridae)...
John Albert Leach 「An Australian Bird Book」
...The foliage is gleaned by warblers and others; and not even the highest terminal twigs are left unexamined by tits and their fellow-seekers after little things...
W. H. Hudson 「Birds in Town and Village」
...This family, which is well represented in the Himalayas, includesthe true crows, with their allies, the choughs, pies, jays, and tits...
Douglas Dewar 「Birds of the Indian Hills」
...Then there is theaggressiveness of the tits...
Douglas Dewar 「Birds of the Indian Hills」
...The nesting operations of a pair of green-backed tits form the subjectof a separate essay...
Douglas Dewar 「Birds of the Indian Hills」
...It is less gregarious than the other tits...
Douglas Dewar 「Birds of the Indian Hills」
...As has been mentioned above, tits usually go about in flocks...
Douglas Dewar 「Birds of the Indian Hills」
...Thistit-like babbler is often seen in company with the true tits, whichit resembles in habits and size...
Douglas Dewar 「Birds of the Indian Hills」
...Consequentlya good deal of the moss gathered by the tits did not reach itsdestination; they let it fall while they were negotiating theentrance...
Douglas Dewar 「Birds of the Indian Hills」
...In appearancethese resemble tits or white-eyes rather than the typical quaker-likewarblers...
Douglas Dewar 「Birds of the Indian Hills」
...In size it ranks with the Tits,Willow Wren, etc...
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」
...A guerilla warfare seems alwaysgoing on amongst these Blue Tits...
Elizabeth Brightwen 「Wild Nature Won By Kindness」
...I placedBarcelona nuts for the nuthatches, and theycame and shared the contents of the basket withthe tits...
Elizabeth Brightwen 「Wild Nature Won By Kindness」
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