

...Chumah wisely withdrew from his tempter...   Chumah wisely withdrew from his tempterの読み方
Henry M. Stanley 「How I Found Livingstone」

..."If she's found out," argued the tempter, "she'll come back to hermother, and you can see her every day...   If shes found out, argued the tempter, shell come back to hermother, and you can see her every dayの読み方
Charles W. Chesnutt 「The House Behind the Cedars」

...She saw no way but to go with the girland fight it out with her tempter...   She saw no way but to go with the girland fight it out with her tempterの読み方
Various 「Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 3, October, 1905」

... Would it be possible for empty stomachs to resist such an invitation? The hungriest of them follow the treacherous tempter...         Would it be possible for empty stomachs to resist such an invitation? The      hungriest of them follow the treacherous tempterの読み方
P. J. Proudhon 「What is Property?」

...Oh, why did he say "five hundred," the exactsum, for then it was that the tempter entered intoJosh Cree's heart...   Oh, why did he say five hundred, the exactsum, for then it was that the tempter entered intoJosh Crees heartの読み方
Ernest Thompson Seton 「Wild Animals at Home」

...Onethinks of the great myth of the Tempter and the"cause of all our woe," and wonders if the ArchEnemy is not now playing off some of his pranksbefore him...   Onethinks of the great myth of the Tempter and thecause of all our woe, and wonders if the ArchEnemy is not now playing off some of his pranksbefore himの読み方
John Burroughs 「Bird Stories from Burroughs」

...One of them, the Sambé, an irresistible tempter, hops about andflaps his wings in apparent freedom...   One of them, the Sambé, an irresistible tempter, hops about andflaps his wings in apparent freedomの読み方
J. H. Fabre 「The Wonders of Instinct」

...Why, sir, for the first time since our acquaintance began, you have been playing the tempter, and nearly won, what with your litters and palanquins and ponies...   Why, sir, for the first time since our acquaintance began, you have been playing the tempter, and nearly won, what with your litters and palanquins and poniesの読み方
George Manville Fenn 「Dead Man's Land」

...The tempter was standingby...   The tempter was standingbyの読み方
Various 「Heads and Tales」

...Hermescarrying the sheep was the Good Shepherd, Psyche discovering Cupid wasthe curiosity of Eve, Ulysses closing his ears to the Sirens was theChristian resisting the tempter...   Hermescarrying the sheep was the Good Shepherd, Psyche discovering Cupid wasthe curiosity of Eve, Ulysses closing his ears to the Sirens was theChristian resisting the tempterの読み方
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」

...The tempter voice—in this case also the voiceof reason—said: now or never!...   The tempter voice—in this case also the voiceof reason—said: now or never!の読み方
Henry Handel Richardson 「Australia Felix」



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