...But take my adviceand get somebody with you before you tackle him...
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」
...I'd hook the tackle on to the reef-pennant...
Rudyard Kipling 「"Captains Courageous"」
...Then they discovered a man from a Truro boat who, six years before, had been convicted of using a tackle with five or six hooks—a "scrowger," they call it—on the Shoals...
Rudyard Kipling 「"Captains Courageous"」
...—A strong tackle, or combination of pulleys, to hook and draw inthe anchor perpendicularly up to the cat-head of the ship...
Harrison Weir 「Our Cats and All About Them」
...The expense of working-gear, tackle, and shoeing, ismuch less than with horses...
Richard L. Allen 「Domestic Animals」
...With the coarsest tackle, and worst flies, trout can be taken inunflogged waters, while it requires much science, and the finest gut, tokill persecuted fish...
Dinks, Mayhew, and Hutchinson 「The Dog」
...Then the singingreel calls for careful and immediate action on the partof the angler, for the ten to forty pound fish on hislight tackle is going to put up a fight worthy of hisskill...
Harry Thom Payne 「Game Birds and Game Fishes of the Pacific Coast」
...It weighed 170 pounds and was taken on theregulation tackle...
Harry Thom Payne 「Game Birds and Game Fishes of the Pacific Coast」
...The following light tackle specificationsof the Tuna Club will be found quite satisfactoryfor the average albacore:...
Harry Thom Payne 「Game Birds and Game Fishes of the Pacific Coast」
...With reasonably light trout tackle theyput up a gamy and interesting fight...
Harry Thom Payne 「Game Birds and Game Fishes of the Pacific Coast」
...In the Santa Barbara channel andabout Catalina and San Diego it is largely taken bytrolling with light tackle, when it affords really goodsport...
Harry Thom Payne 「Game Birds and Game Fishes of the Pacific Coast」
...Thesoil is so compact that I needed a pick to tackle it...
J. H. Fabre Bernard Miall 「Social Life in the Insect World」
...Well, look as carefully and conscientiously as I please, I do not once see the weapons of the mouth tackle a particle of flesh that is torn away and swallowed...
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」
...We have not long to wait: my insect returns, but rid of its magnetic tackle...
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Mason-bees」
...My invention, in both cases alike, is a cumbrous tackle of which the Bee tries to rid herself at once by every possible means...
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Mason-bees」
...The fact remains that my attempts to make the grub tackle its victim from the back have failed...
J. Henri Fabre 「More Hunting Wasps」
...It is no part of his duty to tackle the badger...
Alfred E. Pease 「The Badger」
...They will tackle the badger, getpunished severely, and create all sorts of difficulties, and aregenerally nearly mute except when fighting...
Alfred E. Pease 「The Badger」