

...Where both are found, the "I-hai," ancestral memorial tablets, are placed on the "Butsu-dan"; otherwise they are placed on the "Kami-dana...   Where both are found, the I-hai, ancestral    memorial tablets, are placed on the Butsu-dan; otherwise they    are placed on the Kami-danaの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

... Sargon’s conquest of Elam, for instance, was proved to be historical by a reference to the event in a date-formula upon tablets belonging to his reign...        Sargon’s conquest of Elam, for instance, was proved to be historical by a      reference to the event in a date-formula upon tablets belonging to his      reignの読み方
L.W. King and H.R. Hall 「History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, And Assyria In The Light Of Recent Discovery」

...On this occasion they removed from the columnsall the tablets, medallions, and military flags omnis generiswhich had been hung against them...   On this occasion they removed from the columnsall the tablets, medallions, and military flags omnis generiswhich had been hung against themの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...It is still preserved in the form of tablets worn onthe head and in sand paintings and various other decorations on altarsand religious paraphernalia...   It is still preserved in the form of tablets worn onthe head and in sand paintings and various other decorations on altarsand religious paraphernaliaの読み方
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」

...The walls are built of thin tablets of the dark-colored sandstonewhich caps the mesa...   The walls are built of thin tablets of the dark-colored sandstonewhich caps the mesaの読み方
Victor Mindeleff and Cosmos Mindeleff 「A Study of Pueblo Architecture: Tusayan and Cibola」

...--The Amarna tablets show thatAmenophis married other Babylonian princesses besides Thi his firstwife who bore the title of "Royal mother, Royal wife, and Queen ofEgypt...   --The Amarna tablets show thatAmenophis married other Babylonian princesses besides Thi his firstwife who bore the title of Royal mother, Royal wife, and Queen ofEgyptの読み方
Various 「The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1」

...Two other wall tablets in the same chapel commemorated other heroes of that period...   Two other wall tablets in the same chapel commemorated other heroes of that periodの読み方
William Benham 「Old St. Paul's Cathedral」



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