...Having finished the will, he fell into a swooning fit...
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 「The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha」
... In that moment, with a long shuddering sigh Aline sank swooning to the carriage floor behind Mme...
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」
... “And was it concern for me,” he asked her, “that laid you swooning when you saw him return wounded from the meeting? That was what opened my eyes...
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」
... With a heartbroken sob the man fell swooning on the floor...
Various 「Stories by English Authors: Africa」
...A swooning languor was abroad over the spellbound ocean, a relaxing mist of enchantment...
Stewart Edward White 「African Camp Fires」
...By the time that the attendants reached me I was so near to swooning that very little pretence was necessary, and when at length they released me I sank to the ground in a heap with a low groan...
Harry Collingwood 「A Middy of the Slave Squadron」
...Bungarus coeruleus, or kerait-bite, had its own peculiarsymptoms of cyanotic patches and insensibility, swooning andstertorous breathing...
A. Mueller 「On Snake-Poison: its Action and its Antidote」
...Ormandy, one of the wardens—whosits in a free pew near the front door, and does his best to preventvisitors from either losing themselves, swooning, or becoming miserable...
Atticus 「Our Churches and Chapels」
...At the sight of her son, treated as a criminalwith bound hands, the mother, Mary, falls swooning over thebalustrade, supported by a younger woman...
Estelle M. Hurll 「Correggio」
...Anon as Sir Percivale heard that his brother was dead, SirLamorak, he fell over his horse’s mane swooning, and there he made thegreatest dole that ever made knight...
Thomas Malory 「Le Morte D’Arthur, Volume II (of II)」
...And this Sir Bellangere revengedthe death of his father Alisander, and Sir Tristram slew King Mark, and LaBeale Isoud died swooning upon the corse of Sir Tristram, whereof was greatpity...
Thomas Malory 「Le Morte D’Arthur, Volume II (of II)」
...Recognising his shield, all are in an agony of grief, swooning at sight of his shield and saying that now they have lived too long...
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」
...At the first course they overthrew each other, andboth lay swooning on the ground; but Sir Balin was the most hurt andbruised, for he was weary and spent with traveling...
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」
...Thenhe sank swooning to the earth, with a visage pale as death...
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」
...And therewith his wound,which was not wholly healed, burst forth again, and with a mighty groanhe sank down swooning on the ground...
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」
...Then, from sheer grief, Sir Gawain fell swooning to the ground...
Beatrice Clay 「Stories from Le Morte D'Arthur and the Mabinogion」
...At this, with a cry of heart-pain, the distressedmaiden fell swooning at his feet...
Charles Morris 「Historic Tales, Vol 14 (of 15)」
...He cried out his horror,fighting to keep from swooning...
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, June, 1930」
...The woman, swooning, had wilted over the rim of the bowl, andthe two boys with their strange amphibious pet splashed out from thepool and came running to her, wide-eyed and dripping...
Harl Vincent 「Wanderer of Infinity」
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