...of sumirse, sunk, plunged, sunken...
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」
...To Desnoyers, they seemed like sunken basins for the use of the invisible Titans who had been hewing the forest...
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」
...Chauvelin was thennearer forty than thirty—a clever, shrewd-looking personality, with acurious fox-like expression in the deep, sunken eyes...
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」
...The canoe jammedherself on some barely sunken rocks in it...
Mary H. Kingsley 「Travels in West Africa」
...The southern feature, double like the Yellala, shows an upper and a lower break, separated by two miles, the rapids being formed as usual by sunken ledges of rock...
Richard F. Burton 「Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2」
...This left her ill-shaped head exposed and emphasized the sunken hollows of her face...
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Quest of the Silver Fleece」
...Fish's track on the ridge near the head of the Sunken Branch, and had heard him shoot several times but supposed that he was shooting at deer...
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock 「Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper」
...He had turned bosky wildwood into chaste picnic-groveplaisaunces, lush meadows into sunken gardens,a roomy colonial farmstead into somethingbetween a feudal castle and a roadhouse...
Albert Payson Terhune 「Lad: A Dog」
...The big sunken meadow on the vergeof the Ramapo River was lined on two sides withimpromptu sheds...
Albert Payson Terhune 「Lad: A Dog」
...Let us go back to the sunken roads of the Legue, which have become classic, so they say, since the appearance of my notes on the Oil beetles...
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」
...They were a saddebauched-looking set, some of them scarcely out of their teens, withpallid cheeks, trembling hands, sunken eyes, and all the symptoms ofpremature decay...
R. S. Surtees 「Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour」
...They rolled a sunken log across the gates for a foundation,filled them up with alder bushes and stones,and the work was done...
William J. Long 「Ways of Wood Folk」
...I was waiting for the pool to grow quiet again, whena new sound came from the underbrush, a rapid plop, lop, lop, lop,lop, like the sound in a sunken bottle as water pours in and the airrushes out...
William J. Long 「Wood Folk at School」
...As I sprang up I caught a fleetingglimpse of a greenish, barnacle-covered object, and knew it at oncefor what it was, that terror of navigation, a sunken pile...
Jack London 「Tales of the Fish Patrol」
...But when presently the central square revealed another and then another sunken ship, it was all he could do to contain himself...
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science January 1931」
..."What!" Nelson's sunken and blood-shot gray eyes widened, while hisjaw dropped incredulously...
Various 「Astounding Stories, February, 1931」
...Then they approached the cool white villa that stood invitingly ahundred yards or so away beyond sunken gardens...
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, August 1930」
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