...The officer looked into Lane's stormy face, then with great reluctanceretreated to carry out the order...
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」
... “Very good, sire,” replied the captain, whose glance had for a long time past analyzed the stormy indications on the royal countenance...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」
...“It is the procellarius, as we naturalists call it, but in English, the stormy petrel; its presence denotes rough weather coming...
Captain Frederick Marryat 「The Mission; or Scenes in Africa」
...The quiet prayer meeting, and the stormy halls of national debate, share its presence alike...
Frederick Douglass 「My Bondage and My Freedom」
...On an unusually cold and stormy day I walked the two miles to see him...
Booker T. Washington 「Up From Slavery: An Autobiography」
...One stormy night, when the rain was descending intorrents, the doctor heard a rap at his door...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle: a Tale of the Southern States」
...This is about an average killing if the weather is stormy...
A. R. (Arthur Robert) Harding 「Wolf and Coyote Trapping」
...Dark, cold, stormy nights are the best for the wolf trapper...
Elmer Harry Kreps 「Science of Trapping」
...Even when the ducks are halfgrown and may be out on the yards it is still necessaryto use lights on stormy nights so that they willstay in and keep quiet and not get drowned in therain...
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」
...The lambs are not, however, generally regardedas very hardy, and they require considerable attention at the time ofyeaning, particularly if the weather is even moderately cold or stormy...
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」
...The distance she had to travel was two miles, and the night she chose was a dark and stormy one...
Gordon Stables 「The Domestic Cat」
..."In stormy weather the little sea-dove is most happy, because it isthen that the waves are laden with small fish and crabs...
Lenore Elizabeth Mulets 「Stories of Birds」
...It is a satisfaction during the cold or stormy winter nights to know he is warm and cosy there in his retreat...
John Burroughs 「Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes and, Other Papers」
...Ondark or threatening or stormy days the birdswould begin to assemble by mid-afternoon, andby four or five o'clock were all in their lodgings...
John Burroughs 「Bird Stories from Burroughs」
deposed mercilessly waist