

...The boy had rowed, in a ladylike fashion, on the Adirondack ponds; but there is a difference between squeaking pins and well-balanced rowlocks—light sculls and stubby, eight-foot sea-oars...   The boy had rowed, in a ladylike fashion, on the Adirondack ponds;      but there is a difference between squeaking pins and well-balanced      rowlocks—light sculls and stubby, eight-foot sea-oarsの読み方
Rudyard Kipling 「"Captains Courageous"」

...What should be his song is a squeaking kluck tse-e-e, squeezedout with difficulty, or a gurgle, like water being poured from abottle...   What should be his song is a squeaking kluck tse-e-e, squeezedout with difficulty, or a gurgle, like water being poured from abottleの読み方
Neltje Blanchan 「Birds Every Child Should Know」

..."Well, I stood there rooted to theground with horror; and then came a sortof horrible scramble-rush, and a barkingand squeaking, and a terrible monster stoodbefore me...   Well, I stood there rooted to theground with horror; and then came a sortof horrible scramble-rush, and a barkingand squeaking, and a terrible monster stoodbefore meの読み方
Edith Nesbit 「Pussy and Doggy Tales」

...For instance, as a pup, a scolding for some petty misdeed would sendhim in search of his cherished flannel doll or his squeaking ball...   For instance, as a pup, a scolding for some petty misdeed would sendhim in search of his cherished flannel doll or his squeaking ballの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Further Adventures of Lad」

...One afternoon, the commandant of Bathurst was quietly reading, when heheard a violent squeaking and hissing in the room below him, which waseven with the ground, and contained stores...   One afternoon, the commandant of Bathurst was quietly reading, when heheard a violent squeaking and hissing in the room below him, which waseven with the ground, and contained storesの読み方
R. Lee 「Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals」

...He promptly retorted in kind; and forseveral minutes, as if the game were a well-understood one, the twokept it up, squeaking soft merriment, and apparently forgetful of allperil...   He promptly retorted in kind; and forseveral minutes, as if the game were a well-understood one, the twokept it up, squeaking soft merriment, and apparently forgetful of allperilの読み方
Charles G. D. Roberts 「The Watchers of the Trails」

...Now someone was shouting, "Darl, Darl, are you alive?"All about him were shrill twitterings, squeaking calls, squeals andscutterings...   Now someone was shouting, Darl, Darl, are you alive?All about him were shrill twitterings, squeaking calls, squeals andscutteringsの読み方
Arthur Leo Zagat 「The Great Dome on Mercury」



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