

...Pencroft and Herbert took turnsfor a spell of two hours each at the helm...   Pencroft and Herbert took turnsfor a spell of two hours each at the helmの読み方
Jules Verne William Henry Giles Kingston 「Abandoned」

..., enchantment, charm, spell...   , enchantment, charm,  spellの読み方
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」

..., lot, fate; charm, spell...   , lot, fate; charm, spellの読み方
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」

...They were under a spell, forgetting even that they lived, knowing nothing except that they loved...   They were under a spell, forgetting even that      they lived, knowing nothing except that they lovedの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「El Dorado」

...Marie de Marmontel and her brother are there, and several others; the old Comte de Lezardiere, the Abbe de Firmont; their names spell suffering, loyalty, and hopelessness...   Marie de Marmontel and her brother are      there, and several others; the old Comte de Lezardiere, the Abbe de      Firmont; their names spell suffering, loyalty, and hopelessnessの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「El Dorado」

...But some spell kept our feet tied there in that silent world of sandand moon and sea...   But some spell kept our feet tied there in that silent world of sandand moon and seaの読み方
John Buchan 「Prester John」

...The Scotch tongue worked a spell with me...   The Scotch tongue worked a spell with meの読み方
John Buchan 「Prester John」

...The East is fettered in her own mesmeric spell and must suffer until she wakes...   The East is fettered in her own mesmeric spell and must      suffer until she wakesの読み方
Talbot Mundy 「King--of the Khyber Rifles」

... “Miss,” growled Dan, with a clumsy endeavour to chase away her diffidence, “all we asks is fer you to sit near us fer a spell...         “Miss,” growled Dan, with a clumsy endeavour to chase away her diffidence,      “all we asks is fer you to sit near us fer a spellの読み方
Various 「Stories by English Authors: Africa」

... The properway to spell this name is booby, i...    The properway to spell this name is booby, iの読み方
Mary H. Kingsley 「Travels in West Africa」

...This is exhibited to his friends and strangers as a wonderful spell against some particular malady, and it is handed about and received with extreme reverence by the assembled crowd...   This      is exhibited to his friends and strangers as a wonderful spell against      some particular malady, and it is handed about and received with extreme      reverence by the assembled crowdの読み方
Samuel White Baker 「In the Heart of Africa」

...The old chief of Obbo, Katchiba, hearing that we were dying, came to charm us with some magic spell...   The old chief of Obbo,      Katchiba, hearing that we were dying, came to charm us with some magic      spellの読み方
Samuel White Baker 「In the Heart of Africa」

...Hine (I hope I spell her name right, Hine), at the corner of Duke street and Washington street, in Norfolk city, Virginia...   Hine (I hope I spell her name right, Hine), at                  the corner of Duke street and Washington street, in Norfolk city, Virginiaの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

...The conjure doctor was obdurate and at once placeda spell upon her which is to remain until the lost voice is restored...   The conjure doctor was obdurate and at once placeda spell upon her which is to remain until the lost voice is restoredの読み方
Charles W. Chesnutt 「The Conjure Woman」

...The moments flew; the crowd increased until the wonderful spell of those dark and upturned faces pulsed in her blood...   The moments flew; the crowd      increased until the wonderful spell of those dark and upturned      faces pulsed in her bloodの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Quest of the Silver Fleece」

...I needs must strive to break the spell...   I needs must strive to break the spellの読み方
Various 「Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905」

... German fairytales and stories, rich in the miraculous deeds of the heroic knightsof Kurland, wove their spell over the youthful mind...    German fairytales and stories, rich in the miraculous deeds of the heroic knightsof Kurland, wove their spell over the youthful mindの読み方
Emma Goldman 「Anarchism and Other Essays」



reminiscence   misunderstand   detraction  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
一般人   言語道断   完全自動運転  

