

...Townsend Solitaire (Myadestes townsendii)...   Townsend Solitaire (Myadestes townsendii)の読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...Its habits were hardly better known than those of the dodo and solitaire...   Its habits were hardly better      known than those of the dodo and solitaireの読み方
W. H. Hudson 「Birds in Town and Village」

...Miller (1955a:171) detected Townsend's Solitaire in clumps of large pines in two different locations at 7000 and 7500 feet on April 4, 6, and 8 in the Sierra del Carmen...   Miller (1955a:171) detected Townsends Solitaire in clumps of large pines in two different locations at 7000 and 7500 feet on April 4, 6, and 8 in the Sierra del Carmenの読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...Dickerman saw a Townsend's Solitaire in the Sierra de la Madera on December 13, 1953...   Dickerman saw a Townsends Solitaire in the Sierra de la Madera on December 13, 1953の読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...Townsend Solitaire...   Townsend Solitaireの読み方
Harrison B Tordoff 「Check-list of the Birds of Kansas」

...The person in a bag-wig and solitaire, with his hand upon his head, would not nowpass for a fine gentleman, but in the year 1735 was a complete beau...   The person in a bag-wig and solitaire, with his hand upon his head, would not nowpass for a fine gentleman, but in the year 1735 was a complete beauの読み方
John Trusler 「The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings」

...The captain was deep ina game of solitaire, but he looked up at McGuire's audible chuckle...   The captain was deep ina game of solitaire, but he looked up at McGuires audible chuckleの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, November, 1930」

...Ifyou'll cut out your solitaire and listen, I'll read you something toimprove your mind...   Ifyoull cut out your solitaire and listen, Ill read you something toimprove your mindの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, November, 1930」



Greenhills   loaning   jota  



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