... We returned to Bath in a sleigh, and arrived without accident or any great suffering...
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」
...He was put into the sleigh and taken to the village with all possible speed...
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」
...His huge bulk of toothsome flesh fed many a hungry family, andhis ample robe did good service in the settler’s cabin and sleigh inwinter weather...
William T. Hornaday 「The Extermination of the American Bison」
...Nelson was soon ready, taking his dogs into the sleigh so that they would not break off on the track of a deer or some other animal...
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock 「Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper」
...Uncle told me to stay with the team and that they would not be gone long; that if the track led off he would come back to the sleigh and I could go back with the team and he would go to Mr...
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock 「Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper」
...We were none too soon as the men were already hitching the horses to the sleigh ready to start off...
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock 「Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper」
...We could see that the bear was already on the sleigh, although it was covered over with a blanket...
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock 「Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper」
...Uncle walked up to the end of the sleigh, caught a corner of the blanket, threw it back and uncovered the bear...
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock 「Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper」
...We had not gone far when a man with a sleigh overtook us, and we learned that we were about one and a half miles from what was called Bunker Hill...
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock 「Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper」
...In those days it was nothing uncommon to see sleigh loads of deer pass every day on the way to market...
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock 「Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper」
..."First, we put a box on the sleigh big enough to hold our dogs and then hook up a lively team, and strike across the country, leaving the dogs run along side...
A. R. (Arthur Robert) Harding 「Wolf and Coyote Trapping」
...From there we took a sleigh to Selkirk,driving over the lake on the ice, andarriving at Selkirk the latter part of Januaryor the 1st of February...
Various 「Hunting in Many Lands」
...Such an antler, that I found at the Windy River post, is notched nearthe base; arope or thong, 2or 3 feet in length, is fastenedat one end to this notch, and at the other to the side of the sleigh...
Francis Harper 「The Barren Ground Caribou of Keewatin」
...Among the Canadians they are in general use; they constitute the favourite wrappers of the traveller in that cold climate: they line the cariole, the carriage, and the sleigh...
Mayne Reid 「The Hunters' Feast」
...A peasantwas riding in a sleigh in company with his wife and child,when he became aware that they were being pursued bywolves...
Various 「Natural History in Anecdote」
...In this they were not disappointed, for theysucceeded in overtaking the sleigh, and the peasant and thehorses fell victims to their ravage...
Various 「Natural History in Anecdote」
cowboy colleague remaking