

...The attempt of the Dutch to introduce the true silkworm, theBombyx mori, took place under the governorship; of RyklofVan Goens, who, on handing over the administration to his successorin A...   The attempt of the Dutch to introduce the true silkworm, theBombyx mori, took place under the governorship; of RyklofVan Goens, who, on handing over the administration to his successorin Aの読み方
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」

...As a whole, the horse demands for his best nurture and keeping anamount of care required by no other animal which has been won to theuses of man, unless perhaps it be the silkworm...   As a whole, the horse demands for his best nurture and keeping anamount of care required by no other animal which has been won to theuses of man, unless perhaps it be the silkwormの読み方
Nathaniel Southgate Shaler 「Domesticated Animals」

...The mulberry silkworm can readily be bred in confinement...   The mulberry silkworm can readily be bred in confinementの読み方
Nathaniel Southgate Shaler 「Domesticated Animals」

...Thus, whilesome success has been attained by carding the cocoons of other species,thereby making a fibre which has a certain utility, the silkworm aloneyields material fitted for delicate fabrics...   Thus, whilesome success has been attained by carding the cocoons of other species,thereby making a fibre which has a certain utility, the silkworm aloneyields material fitted for delicate fabricsの読み方
Nathaniel Southgate Shaler 「Domesticated Animals」

...At the present time in Europe, Asia, and America there are probably notfar from ten million people who depend in large measure upon theproduct of the silkworm for their livelihood...   At the present time in Europe, Asia, and America there are probably notfar from ten million people who depend in large measure upon theproduct of the silkworm for their livelihoodの読み方
Nathaniel Southgate Shaler 「Domesticated Animals」

...They did not dare totouch it, poor little imps! They were thunderstruck at my audacity whenI seized it in my fingers as they would the familiar silkworm...   They did not dare totouch it, poor little imps! They were thunderstruck at my audacity whenI seized it in my fingers as they would the familiar silkwormの読み方
J. H. Fabre Bernard Miall 「Social Life in the Insect World」

...The annual output of silk, allof which is spun by the silkworm, isworth millions of dollars...   The annual output of silk, allof which is spun by the silkworm, isworth millions of dollarsの読み方
Leonard Haseman 「An Elementary Study of Insects」

...The cabbage Pieris consumes the pungent leaves of the Cruciferae as the food of her infancy; the Silkworm disdains any foliage other than that of the mulberry-tree...   The cabbage Pieris consumes the pungent leaves of the      Cruciferae as the food of her infancy; the Silkworm disdains any foliage      other than that of the mulberry-treeの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「More Hunting Wasps」

...But a young Zeuzera-caterpillar, dug out of the branches of a lilac-tree, and a silkworm of small dimensions were definitely refused...   But      a young Zeuzera-caterpillar, dug out of the branches of a lilac-tree, and      a silkworm of small dimensions were definitely refusedの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「More Hunting Wasps」

... Silkworm...         Silkwormの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「More Hunting Wasps」

...In Mirzapur, when the seed of the silkworm is brought intothe house, the Kol or Bhuiyar puts it in a place which has beencarefully plastered with holy cowdung to bring good luck...   In Mirzapur, when the seed of the silkworm is brought intothe house, the Kol or Bhuiyar puts it in a place which has beencarefully plastered with holy cowdung to bring good luckの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」



limb   Norwalk   recessed  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
新時代   早慶上智   社会心理学  

