

...Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she organized, in 1848, a Woman's Rights' Convention at Seneca Falls, New York...   Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she organized, in               1848, a Womans Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, New Yorkの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

...Giraud of Aix quotes the testimony of Cicero, Seneca, Plutarch, Olympiodorus, and Photius...   Giraud of Aix  quotes the testimony of Cicero,      Seneca, Plutarch, Olympiodorus, and Photiusの読み方
P. J. Proudhon 「What is Property?」

...On Cayuga, Seneca and other lakes in central New York, and on the island of Martha's Vineyard, the flocks of ducks suffered very severely, and many perished of hunger and cold...   On Cayuga, Seneca and other lakes in central New York, and on the island of Marthas Vineyard, the flocks of ducks suffered very severely, and many  perished of hunger and coldの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」

...Tuttle, Seneca, Mich...   Tuttle, Seneca, Michの読み方
Frederic A. Lucas 「Animals of the Past」

...A Preliminary List of Birds of Seneca Co...   A Preliminary List of Birds of Seneca Coの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...It is well known to historians that the villa of Seneca, in which heput himself to death by command of Nero, stood near the fourthmilestone on the Appian Way...   It is well known to historians that the villa of Seneca, in which heput himself to death by command of Nero, stood near the fourthmilestone on the Appian Wayの読み方
Hugh Macmillan 「Roman Mosaics」

...This accusation was false; but it servedthe purpose of bringing Seneca within reach of his vengeance, under acolour of justice...   This accusation was false; but it servedthe purpose of bringing Seneca within reach of his vengeance, under acolour of justiceの読み方
Hugh Macmillan 「Roman Mosaics」

...According to Seneca during aneclipse a comet was also seen...   According to Seneca during aneclipse a comet was also seenの読み方
George Chambers 「The Story of Eclipses」

...This has been the opinion of many great men: Seneca, the moralist, whom Lactantius calls the divine Pagan, who has been praised equally by St...   This has been the      opinion of many great men: Seneca, the moralist, whom Lactantius calls the      divine Pagan, who has been praised equally by Stの読み方
Paul Henri Thiery (Baron D'Holbach) 「The System of Nature, Volume 1」

...It was Seneca who said,"Live gently and kindly with your slave, and admit him to conversationwith you, to council with you, and to share in your meals...   It was Seneca who said,Live gently and kindly with your slave, and admit him to conversationwith you, to council with you, and to share in your mealsの読み方
Dr. D.M. Brooks 「The Necessity of Atheism」

... Seneca, the tragedian, explains himself in the same manner as the philosopher...         Seneca, the tragedian, explains himself in the same manner as the      philosopherの読み方
Paul Henri Thiery (Baron D'Holbach) 「The System of Nature, Volume 1」



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