

...It selects some secluded spot, which it does not desert whendisturbed, returning invariably to its hiding-place when the coastis clear...   It selects some secluded spot, which it does not desert whendisturbed, returning invariably to its hiding-place when the coastis clearの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...It selects a dead twig on the summit of a bush, and this perchit occupies during many hours every day...   It selects a dead twig on the summit of a bush, and this perchit occupies during many hours every dayの読み方
P. L. Sclater 「Argentine Ornithology, Volume I (of 2)」

...She should have at least twelve teats; for it isobserved that each pig selects a teat for himself and keeps to it, sothat a pig not having one belonging to him would be starved...   She should have at least twelve teats; for it isobserved that each pig selects a teat for himself and keeps to it, sothat a pig not having one belonging to him would be starvedの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...Indeed, as it begins to build very early, it is onlywhen it selects an evergreen that it has much chance of effectuallyhiding its retreat...   Indeed, as it begins to build very early, it is onlywhen it selects an evergreen that it has much chance of effectuallyhiding its retreatの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...In habitsand food the Surf Scoter resembles the common species, derivingits name from the pertinacity with which it selects, as its feeding-ground,a sandy beach over which surf rolls...   In habitsand food the Surf Scoter resembles the common species, derivingits name from the pertinacity with which it selects, as its feeding-ground,a sandy beach over which surf rollsの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...Once those old habitations are in use, however, and the building of new cells begun, she selects another retreat...   Once those old habitations are in use, however, and the      building of new cells begun, she selects another retreatの読み方
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Mason-bees」

...When a beaver is hungry in winter he comes downunder the ice, selects a stick, carries it up into hishouse, and eats the bark...   When a beaver is hungry in winter he comes downunder the ice, selects a stick, carries it up into hishouse, and eats the barkの読み方
William J. Long 「Ways of Wood Folk」

...When a bird selects a site for its nest, it seems, onfirst view, as if it must actually think, reflect, compare,as you and I do when we decide where to placeour house...   When a bird selects a site for its nest, it seems, onfirst view, as if it must actually think, reflect, compare,as you and I do when we decide where to placeour houseの読み方
John Burroughs 「Ways of Nature」

...For when anation becomes civilised, if it does not drop human sacrificesaltogether, it at least selects as victims only such wretches aswould be put to death at any rate...   For when anation becomes civilised, if it does not drop human sacrificesaltogether, it at least selects as victims only such wretches aswould be put to death at any rateの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...This he selects fromthe moving and varied appearance of his sitter, trying one thingafter another, until he sees a suggestive arrangement, from theimpression of which he makes his design...   This he selects fromthe moving and varied appearance of his sitter, trying one thingafter another, until he sees a suggestive arrangement, from theimpression of which he makes his designの読み方
Harold Speed 「The Practice and Science Of Drawing」

...Charcoal is not on the whole the medium anartist with a pure love of form selects, but rather that of thepainter, who uses it when his brushes and paints are not handy...   Charcoal is not on the whole the medium anartist with a pure love of form selects, but rather that of thepainter, who uses it when his brushes and paints are not handyの読み方
Harold Speed 「The Practice and Science Of Drawing」

...The farmeris usually legally known as a 'selector,' because under the LandAct he selects a piece of ground perhaps in the middle of thesquatter's leasehold and purchases it on credit for agriculture...   The farmeris usually legally known as a selector, because under the LandAct he selects a piece of ground perhaps in the middle of thesquatters leasehold and purchases it on credit for agricultureの読み方
R. E. N. (Richard) Twopeny 「Town Life in Australia」



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