

... “Ye had better let me take your pack,” said he, for perhaps the ninth time since we had parted from the scout beside Loch Rannoch...         “Ye had better let me take your pack,” said he, for perhaps the ninth time      since we had parted from the scout beside Loch Rannochの読み方
Robert Louis Stevenson 「Kidnapped」

...I wanted food and was casting about for an eating-house when I heard the purrof a motor-cycle and across the road saw the intelligent boy scout...   I wanted food and was casting about for an eating-house when I heard the purrof a motor-cycle and across the road saw the intelligent boy scoutの読み方
John Buchan 「Mr. Standfast」

..."There were soldiers sitting around that stove,game guardians of the Park, and still more dangerous,a scout, the soldiers' guide, a mountaineer...   There were soldiers sitting around that stove,game guardians of the Park, and still more dangerous,a scout, the soldiers guide, a mountaineerの読み方
Ernest Thompson Seton 「Wild Animals at Home」

...Incidents of this kind multiplied, and finallyBuffalo Jones, who was then the Chief Scout of thePark, was permitted to punish the old sinner...   Incidents of this kind multiplied, and finallyBuffalo Jones, who was then the Chief Scout of thePark, was permitted to punish the old sinnerの読み方
Ernest Thompson Seton 「Wild Animals at Home」

...Wilson, the scout...   Wilson, the scoutの読み方
Various 「Hunting in Many Lands」

...This man wasBurgess, the Yellowstone Park scout...   This man wasBurgess, the Yellowstone Park scoutの読み方
Various 「Hunting in Many Lands」

...It must have beendifficult for the scout at that moment not to forget thatours is a Government of law, and to refrain from makingas summary an end of Howell as Howell had made ofthe buffalo...   It must have beendifficult for the scout at that moment not to forget thatours is a Government of law, and to refrain from makingas summary an end of Howell as Howell had made ofthe buffaloの読み方
Various 「Hunting in Many Lands」

...On scout duty he frequently penetratedGerman trenches and gunpositions in the night...   On scout duty he frequently penetratedGerman trenches and gunpositions in the nightの読み方
John Charles Beecham 「The Argus Pheasant」

...” An analogy to theposture of the Caribou might be found in a hand thrust out, with fingersspread, by a military scout as a signal of warning or caution to hisfellow scouts...   ” An analogy to theposture of the Caribou might be found in a hand thrust out, with fingersspread, by a military scout as a signal of warning or caution to hisfellow scoutsの読み方
Francis Harper 「The Barren Ground Caribou of Keewatin」

...Then, with a great rush and clatter, the crows follow,some swift old scout keeping close to the owl andscreaming all the way to guide the whole cawingrabble...   Then, with a great rush and clatter, the crows follow,some swift old scout keeping close to the owl andscreaming all the way to guide the whole cawingrabbleの読み方
William J. Long 「Ways of Wood Folk」

...Everett, Government Scout...   Everett, Government Scoutの読み方
James Constantine Pilling 「Catalogue Of Linguistic Manuscripts In The Library Of The Bureau Of Ethnology. (1881 N 01 / 1879-1880 (Pages 553-578))」

...For a time it was a Needlework School of Art, and now it is a Rovers Denin connexion with the Scout movement...   For a time it was a Needlework School of Art, and now it is a Rovers Denin connexion with the Scout movementの読み方
W.D. Sweeting 「The Cathedral Church of Peterborough」

...This is the fifth time we've beenanticipated—trapped! The enemy is informed directly of the attackingplans of our scout details...   This is the fifth time weve beenanticipated—trapped! The enemy is informed directly of the attackingplans of our scout detailsの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, February, 1931」

...Then he gave his ship the gun, and the tiny,streamlined scout teetered, roared, and rose with a scream into thedripping darkness high above...   Then he gave his ship the gun, and the tiny,streamlined scout teetered, roared, and rose with a scream into thedripping darkness high aboveの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, February, 1931」

...The search-rays from the scout planes were focussed directlyon us!...   The search-rays from the scout planes were focussed directlyon us!の読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, July, 1931」



impossibly   befriending   windswept  



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