

...Our new home was in the midst of a cluster of cabins crowded closely together, and as there were no sanitary regulations, the filth about the cabins was often intolerable...   Our new      home was in the midst of a cluster of cabins crowded closely together, and      as there were no sanitary regulations, the filth about the cabins was      often intolerableの読み方
Booker T. Washington 「Up From Slavery: An Autobiography」

...Calves artificially fed on whole or skim milk should receive only such milkas is sweet and has been handled in a sanitary manner...   Calves artificially fed on whole or skim milk should receive only such milkas is sweet and has been handled in a sanitary mannerの読み方
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」

...The same sanitary precautions, such as isolation, disinfection, andburial or burning of all dead carcasses, should be observed as for anthrax andother highly infectious diseases...   The same sanitary precautions, such as isolation, disinfection, andburial or burning of all dead carcasses, should be observed as for anthrax andother highly infectious diseasesの読み方
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」

...Lydtin quotes the followingdescription of the disease as taken from a Swiss sanitary order:...   Lydtin quotes the followingdescription of the disease as taken from a Swiss sanitary order:の読み方
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」

...Let us make up ourminds to this, in order to take the necessary sanitary measures, and setourselves seriously to work by trying the preventive treatment...   Let us make up ourminds to this, in order to take the necessary sanitary measures, and setourselves seriously to work by trying the preventive treatmentの読み方
Honoré Bourguignon 「On the cattle plague: or, Contagious typhus in horned cattle. Its history, origin, description, and treatment」

...A pigeon loft must be kept free from insects and disease germs bycarefully attending to sanitary conditions...   A pigeon loft must be kept free from insects and disease germs bycarefully attending to sanitary conditionsの読み方
Carl Dare 「Profitable Squab Breeding」

...Here ends, for the present, the little that I know or suspect of the maggot, the sanitary inspector in the service of the public health...   Here      ends, for the present, the little that I know or suspect of the maggot,      the sanitary inspector in the service of the public healthの読み方
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」

...FinallyI saw that it was a sanitary measure: only thus couldthe birds keep from soiling each other with theirdroppings...   FinallyI saw that it was a sanitary measure: only thus couldthe birds keep from soiling each other with theirdroppingsの読み方
John Burroughs 「Ways of Nature」

...The publicity of the private (?) baths and sanitary conveniences which the Occidental puts entirely out of sight has already been noted...   The    publicity of the private (?) baths and sanitary conveniences    which the Occidental puts entirely out of sight has already    been notedの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

...And with the lowering ofresistance and the lack of sufficient sanitary arrangements, diseasebegan to spread with ever increasing rapidity and virulence...   And with the lowering ofresistance and the lack of sufficient sanitary arrangements, diseasebegan to spread with ever increasing rapidity and virulenceの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, July, 1931」

...Donald Francisco, Commissioner of theWater Supply, a sanitary engineer of international standing, accepted aposition in the Science Community as Water Director...   Donald Francisco, Commissioner of theWater Supply, a sanitary engineer of international standing, accepted aposition in the Science Community as Water Directorの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science September 1930」

...Lieutenant-ColonelMillard was the Sanitary Officer for our Division, andLieutenant-Colonel Stokes for the 1st Australian Division...   Lieutenant-ColonelMillard was the Sanitary Officer for our Division, andLieutenant-Colonel Stokes for the 1st Australian Divisionの読み方
Joseph Lievesley Beeston 「Five Months at Anzac」

...Of the sanitary arrangements, it is almostimpossible to speak too strongly; they are almost invariablyobjectionable and disgusting...   Of the sanitary arrangements, it is almostimpossible to speak too strongly; they are almost invariablyobjectionable and disgustingの読み方
R. E. N. (Richard) Twopeny 「Town Life in Australia」

...The trenchesmust be kept clean and sanitary...   The trenchesmust be kept clean and sanitaryの読み方
G. P. Cuttriss 「Over the Top With the Third Australian Division」



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