...She was advancing from one overpowering dread to another, accepting the first rudiments of surgery as the greatest of scientific marvels...
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」
...Even as the unbroken pointer ofthe best type knows by instinct the rudiments of his work in the fieldso will many a collie take up sheep herding by ancestral training...
Albert Payson Terhune 「His Dog」
...On many occasions he certainlygives evidence of a conscience andthe possession of the rudiments of themoral sense...
Major Gambier-Parry 「'Murphy'」
...Plum and cherry treesare treated in like manner, the ground being strewed with thebud-scales and rudiments of flowers...
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」
...The male on the other hand passes into a secondlarval stage in which there are no functional legs, but rudiments oflegs and of wings are present on the epidermis beneath the cuticle, asshown by B...
Geo. H. Carpenter 「The Life-Story of Insects」
...These rudiments donot appear until the last larval stage has been reached...
Geo. H. Carpenter 「The Life-Story of Insects」
...Miss Moore, therefore, easilyacquired the rudiments of education and attained some distinction as astudent of history...
Various 「The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916」
...) The rudiments of the cerebral nerves and the roots of the spinalnerves are especially marked...
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」
...These atavistic human tails are often mobile;sometimes they contain only muscles and fat, sometimes also rudiments of caudalvertebræ...
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」
...Lately small rudiments of realmolars have been discovered in the young of the Ornithorhyncus, which has hornyplates in the jaws instead of real teeth...
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」
...I am confident that this is the only efficacious method of makinga progress in the arts; and that he who sets out with doubting willfind life finished before he becomes master of the rudiments...
Joshua Reynolds 「Seven Discourses on Art」
rafts proverbs directing